
在 TensorFlow.org 上查看 在 Google Colab 中运行 在 GitHub 上查看 下载笔记本

本教程使用 DeepLabV3 训练模型,该模型使用 Mobilenet V2 作为主干模型,来自 TensorFlow 模型花园 包 (tensorflow-models)。

模型花园 包含一系列最先进的模型,这些模型使用 TensorFlow 的高级 API 实现。这些实现展示了建模的最佳实践,使用户能够充分利用 TensorFlow 进行研究和产品开发。

数据集牛津-IIIT 宠物

  • 牛津-IIIT 宠物数据集是一个包含 37 个类别的宠物图像数据集,每个类别大约有 200 张图像。这些图像在比例、姿势和光照方面存在很大差异。所有图像都具有与品种相关的真实标注。


  1. 使用 TensorFlow 模型包中的模型。
  2. 训练/微调预构建的 DeepLabV3,使用 mobilenet 作为语义分割的主干模型。
  3. 导出经过训练/微调的 DeepLabV3 模型


pip install -U -q "tf-models-official"


import os
import pprint
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from IPython import display
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

import orbit
import tensorflow_models as tfm
from official.vision.data import tfrecord_lib
from official.vision.utils import summary_manager
from official.vision.serving import export_saved_model_lib
from official.vision.utils.object_detection import visualization_utils

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # Set Pretty Print Indentation
print(tf.__version__) # Check the version of tensorflow used

%matplotlib inline
2024-02-02 12:12:13.799558: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:9261] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2024-02-02 12:12:13.799625: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_fft.cc:607] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2024-02-02 12:12:13.801330: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:1515] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered


官方存储库 (模型花园) 中的模型需要 TFRecords 数据格式的模型。

请查看 此资源,了解有关 TFRecords 数据格式的更多信息。

Oxford_IIIT_pet:3 数据集取自 Tensorflow 数据集

(train_ds, val_ds, test_ds), info = tfds.load(
    split=['train+test[:50%]', 'test[50%:80%]', 'test[80%:100%]'],
    The Oxford-IIIT pet dataset is a 37 category pet image dataset with roughly 200
    images for each class. The images have large variations in scale, pose and
    lighting. All images have an associated ground truth annotation of breed.
    download_size=773.52 MiB,
    dataset_size=774.69 MiB,
        'file_name': Text(shape=(), dtype=string),
        'image': Image(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=uint8),
        'label': ClassLabel(shape=(), dtype=int64, num_classes=37),
        'segmentation_mask': Image(shape=(None, None, 1), dtype=uint8),
        'species': ClassLabel(shape=(), dtype=int64, num_classes=2),
    supervised_keys=('image', 'label'),
        'test': <SplitInfo num_examples=3669, num_shards=4>,
        'train': <SplitInfo num_examples=3680, num_shards=4>,
      author       = "Parkhi, O. M. and Vedaldi, A. and Zisserman, A. and Jawahar, C.~V.",
      title        = "Cats and Dogs",
      booktitle    = "IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition",
      year         = "2012",

将数据集编码为 tfrecords 的辅助函数

def process_record(record):
  keys_to_features = {
  'image/encoded': tfrecord_lib.convert_to_feature(
  'image/height': tfrecord_lib.convert_to_feature(record['image'].shape[0]),
  'image/width': tfrecord_lib.convert_to_feature(record['image'].shape[1]),
      tf.io.encode_png(record['segmentation_mask'] - 1).numpy())
  example = tf.train.Example(
  return example

将 TFRecords 写入文件夹

output_dir = './oxford_iiit_pet_tfrecords/'
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

def write_tfrecords(dataset, output_path, num_shards=1):
  writers = [
            output_path + '-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (i, num_shards))
        for i in range(num_shards)
  for idx, record in enumerate(dataset):
    if idx % LOG_EVERY == 0:
      print('On image %d', idx)
    tf_example = process_record(record)
    writers[idx % num_shards].write(tf_example.SerializeToString())

将训练数据写入 TFRecords

output_train_tfrecs = output_dir + 'train'
write_tfrecords(train_ds, output_train_tfrecs, num_shards=10)
On image %d 0
On image %d 100
On image %d 200
On image %d 300
On image %d 400
On image %d 500
On image %d 600
On image %d 700
On image %d 800
Corrupt JPEG data: 240 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9
Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
On image %d 900
On image %d 1000
On image %d 1100
On image %d 1200
On image %d 1300
On image %d 1400
On image %d 1500
On image %d 1600
On image %d 1700
On image %d 1800
On image %d 1900
On image %d 2000
On image %d 2100
On image %d 2200
On image %d 2300
On image %d 2400
On image %d 2500
On image %d 2600
On image %d 2700
On image %d 2800
On image %d 2900
On image %d 3000
On image %d 3100
On image %d 3200
On image %d 3300
On image %d 3400
On image %d 3500
On image %d 3600
On image %d 3700
On image %d 3800
On image %d 3900
On image %d 4000
On image %d 4100
On image %d 4200
On image %d 4300
On image %d 4400
On image %d 4500
On image %d 4600
On image %d 4700
On image %d 4800
On image %d 4900
On image %d 5000
On image %d 5100
On image %d 5200
On image %d 5300
On image %d 5400
On image %d 5500

将验证数据写入 TFRecords

output_val_tfrecs = output_dir + 'val'
write_tfrecords(val_ds, output_val_tfrecs, num_shards=5)
On image %d 0
On image %d 100
On image %d 200
On image %d 300
On image %d 400
On image %d 500
On image %d 600
On image %d 700
On image %d 800
On image %d 900
On image %d 1000
On image %d 1100

将测试数据写入 TFRecords

output_test_tfrecs = output_dir + 'test'
write_tfrecords(test_ds, output_test_tfrecs, num_shards=5)
On image %d 0
On image %d 100
On image %d 200
On image %d 300
On image %d 400
On image %d 500
On image %d 600
On image %d 700

为自定义数据集配置 DeepLabV3 Mobilenet 模型

train_data_tfrecords = './oxford_iiit_pet_tfrecords/train*'
val_data_tfrecords = './oxford_iiit_pet_tfrecords/val*'
test_data_tfrecords = './oxford_iiit_pet_tfrecords/test*'
trained_model = './trained_model/'
export_dir = './exported_model/'




该配置定义了一个实验,用于训练一个DeepLabV3模型,其主干为 MobilenetV2,解码器为ASPP


  • seg_deeplabv3_pascal
  • seg_deeplabv3plus_pascal
  • seg_resnetfpn_pascal
  • mnv2_deeplabv3plus_cityscapes


exp_config = tfm.core.exp_factory.get_exp_config('mnv2_deeplabv3_pascal')
model_ckpt_path = './model_ckpt/'
if not os.path.exists(model_ckpt_path):

!gsutil cp gs://tf_model_garden/cloud/vision-2.0/deeplab/deeplabv3_mobilenetv2_coco/best_ckpt-63.data-00000-of-00001 './model_ckpt/'
!gsutil cp gs://tf_model_garden/cloud/vision-2.0/deeplab/deeplabv3_mobilenetv2_coco/best_ckpt-63.index './model_ckpt/'
Copying gs://tf_model_garden/cloud/vision-2.0/deeplab/deeplabv3_mobilenetv2_coco/best_ckpt-63.data-00000-of-00001...

Operation completed over 1 objects/28.2 MiB.                                     
Copying gs://tf_model_garden/cloud/vision-2.0/deeplab/deeplabv3_mobilenetv2_coco/best_ckpt-63.index...

Operation completed over 1 objects/12.5 KiB.


num_classes = 3
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 128, 128
input_size = [HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3]

# Backbone Config
exp_config.task.init_checkpoint = model_ckpt_path + 'best_ckpt-63'
exp_config.task.freeze_backbone = True

# Model Config
exp_config.task.model.num_classes = num_classes
exp_config.task.model.input_size = input_size

# Training Data Config
exp_config.task.train_data.aug_scale_min = 1.0
exp_config.task.train_data.aug_scale_max = 1.0
exp_config.task.train_data.input_path = train_data_tfrecords
exp_config.task.train_data.global_batch_size = BATCH_SIZE
exp_config.task.train_data.dtype = 'float32'
exp_config.task.train_data.output_size = [HEIGHT, WIDTH]
exp_config.task.train_data.preserve_aspect_ratio = False
exp_config.task.train_data.seed = 21 # Reproducable Training Data

# Validation Data Config
exp_config.task.validation_data.input_path = val_data_tfrecords
exp_config.task.validation_data.global_batch_size = BATCH_SIZE
exp_config.task.validation_data.dtype = 'float32'
exp_config.task.validation_data.output_size = [HEIGHT, WIDTH]
exp_config.task.validation_data.preserve_aspect_ratio = False
exp_config.task.validation_data.groundtruth_padded_size = [HEIGHT, WIDTH]
exp_config.task.validation_data.seed = 21 # Reproducable Validation Data
exp_config.task.validation_data.resize_eval_groundtruth = True # To enable validation loss


logical_device_names = [logical_device.name
                        for logical_device in tf.config.list_logical_devices()]

if 'GPU' in ''.join(logical_device_names):
  print('This may be broken in Colab.')
  device = 'GPU'
elif 'TPU' in ''.join(logical_device_names):
  print('This may be broken in Colab.')
  device = 'TPU'
  print('Running on CPU is slow, so only train for a few steps.')
  device = 'CPU'

train_steps = 2000
exp_config.trainer.steps_per_loop = int(train_ds.__len__().numpy() // BATCH_SIZE)

exp_config.trainer.summary_interval = exp_config.trainer.steps_per_loop # steps_per_loop = num_of_validation_examples // eval_batch_size
exp_config.trainer.checkpoint_interval = exp_config.trainer.steps_per_loop
exp_config.trainer.validation_interval = exp_config.trainer.steps_per_loop
exp_config.trainer.validation_steps =  int(train_ds.__len__().numpy() // BATCH_SIZE) # validation_steps = num_of_validation_examples // eval_batch_size
exp_config.trainer.train_steps = train_steps
exp_config.trainer.optimizer_config.warmup.linear.warmup_steps = exp_config.trainer.steps_per_loop
exp_config.trainer.optimizer_config.learning_rate.type = 'cosine'
exp_config.trainer.optimizer_config.learning_rate.cosine.decay_steps = train_steps
exp_config.trainer.optimizer_config.learning_rate.cosine.initial_learning_rate = 0.1
exp_config.trainer.optimizer_config.warmup.linear.warmup_learning_rate = 0.05
This may be broken in Colab.
{   'runtime': {   'all_reduce_alg': None,
                   'batchnorm_spatial_persistent': False,
                   'dataset_num_private_threads': None,
                   'default_shard_dim': -1,
                   'distribution_strategy': 'mirrored',
                   'enable_xla': False,
                   'gpu_thread_mode': None,
                   'loss_scale': None,
                   'mixed_precision_dtype': None,
                   'num_cores_per_replica': 1,
                   'num_gpus': 0,
                   'num_packs': 1,
                   'per_gpu_thread_count': 0,
                   'run_eagerly': False,
                   'task_index': -1,
                   'tpu': None,
                   'tpu_enable_xla_dynamic_padder': None,
                   'use_tpu_mp_strategy': False,
                   'worker_hosts': None},
    'task': {   'allow_image_summary': True,
                'differential_privacy_config': None,
                'eval_input_partition_dims': [],
                'evaluation': {   'report_per_class_iou': True,
                                  'report_train_mean_iou': True},
                'export_config': {'rescale_output': False},
                'freeze_backbone': True,
                'init_checkpoint': './model_ckpt/best_ckpt-63',
                'init_checkpoint_modules': ['backbone', 'decoder'],
                'losses': {   'class_weights': [],
                              'gt_is_matting_map': False,
                              'ignore_label': 255,
                              'l2_weight_decay': 4e-05,
                              'label_smoothing': 0.0,
                              'loss_weight': 1.0,
                              'mask_scoring_weight': 1.0,
                              'top_k_percent_pixels': 1.0,
                              'use_binary_cross_entropy': False,
                              'use_groundtruth_dimension': True},
                'model': {   'backbone': {   'mobilenet': {   'filter_size_scale': 1.0,
                                                              'model_id': 'MobileNetV2',
                                                              'output_intermediate_endpoints': False,
                                                              'output_stride': 16,
                                                              'stochastic_depth_drop_rate': 0.0},
                                             'type': 'mobilenet'},
                             'decoder': {   'aspp': {   'dilation_rates': [],
                                                        'dropout_rate': 0.0,
                                                        'level': 4,
                                                        'num_filters': 256,
                                                        'output_tensor': False,
                                                        'pool_kernel_size': [],
                                                        'spp_layer_version': 'v1',
                                                        'use_depthwise_convolution': False},
                                            'type': 'aspp'},
                             'head': {   'decoder_max_level': None,
                                         'decoder_min_level': None,
                                         'feature_fusion': None,
                                         'level': 4,
                                         'logit_activation': None,
                                         'low_level': 2,
                                         'low_level_num_filters': 48,
                                         'num_convs': 0,
                                         'num_filters': 256,
                                         'prediction_kernel_size': 1,
                                         'upsample_factor': 1,
                                         'use_depthwise_convolution': False},
                             'input_size': [128, 128, 3],
                             'mask_scoring_head': None,
                             'max_level': 6,
                             'min_level': 3,
                             'norm_activation': {   'activation': 'relu',
                                                    'norm_epsilon': 0.001,
                                                    'norm_momentum': 0.99,
                                                    'use_sync_bn': True},
                             'num_classes': 3},
                'name': None,
                'train_data': {   'additional_dense_features': [],
                                  'apply_tf_data_service_before_batching': False,
                                  'aug_policy': None,
                                  'aug_rand_hflip': True,
                                  'aug_scale_max': 1.0,
                                  'aug_scale_min': 1.0,
                                  'autotune_algorithm': None,
                                  'block_length': 1,
                                  'cache': False,
                                  'crop_size': [],
                                  'cycle_length': 10,
                                  'decoder': {   'simple_decoder': {   'attribute_names': [   ],
                                                                       'mask_binarize_threshold': None,
                                                                       'regenerate_source_id': False},
                                                 'type': 'simple_decoder'},
                                  'deterministic': None,
                                  'drop_remainder': True,
                                  'dtype': 'float32',
                                  'enable_shared_tf_data_service_between_parallel_trainers': False,
                                  'enable_tf_data_service': False,
                                  'file_type': 'tfrecord',
                                  'global_batch_size': 16,
                                  'groundtruth_padded_size': [],
                                  'image_feature': {   'feature_name': 'image/encoded',
                                                       'mean': (   123.675,
                                                       'num_channels': 3,
                                                       'stddev': (   58.395,
                                  'input_path': './oxford_iiit_pet_tfrecords/train*',
                                  'is_training': True,
                                  'output_size': [128, 128],
                                  'prefetch_buffer_size': None,
                                  'preserve_aspect_ratio': False,
                                  'resize_eval_groundtruth': True,
                                  'seed': 21,
                                  'sharding': True,
                                  'shuffle_buffer_size': 1000,
                                  'tf_data_service_address': None,
                                  'tf_data_service_job_name': None,
                                  'tfds_as_supervised': False,
                                  'tfds_data_dir': '',
                                  'tfds_name': '',
                                  'tfds_skip_decoding_feature': '',
                                  'tfds_split': '',
                                  'trainer_id': None,
                                  'weights': None},
                'train_input_partition_dims': [],
                'validation_data': {   'additional_dense_features': [],
                                       'apply_tf_data_service_before_batching': False,
                                       'aug_policy': None,
                                       'aug_rand_hflip': True,
                                       'aug_scale_max': 1.0,
                                       'aug_scale_min': 1.0,
                                       'autotune_algorithm': None,
                                       'block_length': 1,
                                       'cache': False,
                                       'crop_size': [],
                                       'cycle_length': 10,
                                       'decoder': {   'simple_decoder': {   'attribute_names': [   ],
                                                                            'mask_binarize_threshold': None,
                                                                            'regenerate_source_id': False},
                                                      'type': 'simple_decoder'},
                                       'deterministic': None,
                                       'drop_remainder': False,
                                       'dtype': 'float32',
                                       'enable_shared_tf_data_service_between_parallel_trainers': False,
                                       'enable_tf_data_service': False,
                                       'file_type': 'tfrecord',
                                       'global_batch_size': 16,
                                       'groundtruth_padded_size': [128, 128],
                                       'image_feature': {   'feature_name': 'image/encoded',
                                                            'mean': (   123.675,
                                                            'num_channels': 3,
                                                            'stddev': (   58.395,
                                       'input_path': './oxford_iiit_pet_tfrecords/val*',
                                       'is_training': False,
                                       'output_size': [128, 128],
                                       'prefetch_buffer_size': None,
                                       'preserve_aspect_ratio': False,
                                       'resize_eval_groundtruth': True,
                                       'seed': 21,
                                       'sharding': True,
                                       'shuffle_buffer_size': 1000,
                                       'tf_data_service_address': None,
                                       'tf_data_service_job_name': None,
                                       'tfds_as_supervised': False,
                                       'tfds_data_dir': '',
                                       'tfds_name': '',
                                       'tfds_skip_decoding_feature': '',
                                       'tfds_split': '',
                                       'trainer_id': None,
                                       'weights': None} },
    'trainer': {   'allow_tpu_summary': False,
                   'best_checkpoint_eval_metric': 'mean_iou',
                   'best_checkpoint_export_subdir': 'best_ckpt',
                   'best_checkpoint_metric_comp': 'higher',
                   'checkpoint_interval': 344,
                   'continuous_eval_timeout': 3600,
                   'eval_tf_function': True,
                   'eval_tf_while_loop': False,
                   'loss_upper_bound': 1000000.0,
                   'max_to_keep': 5,
                   'optimizer_config': {   'ema': None,
                                           'learning_rate': {   'cosine': {   'alpha': 0.0,
                                                                              'decay_steps': 2000,
                                                                              'initial_learning_rate': 0.1,
                                                                              'name': 'CosineDecay',
                                                                              'offset': 0},
                                                                'type': 'cosine'},
                                           'optimizer': {   'sgd': {   'clipnorm': None,
                                                                       'clipvalue': None,
                                                                       'decay': 0.0,
                                                                       'global_clipnorm': None,
                                                                       'momentum': 0.9,
                                                                       'name': 'SGD',
                                                                       'nesterov': False},
                                                            'type': 'sgd'},
                                           'warmup': {   'linear': {   'name': 'linear',
                                                                       'warmup_learning_rate': 0.05,
                                                                       'warmup_steps': 344},
                                                         'type': 'linear'} },
                   'preemption_on_demand_checkpoint': True,
                   'recovery_begin_steps': 0,
                   'recovery_max_trials': 0,
                   'steps_per_loop': 344,
                   'summary_interval': 344,
                   'train_steps': 2000,
                   'train_tf_function': True,
                   'train_tf_while_loop': True,
                   'validation_interval': 344,
                   'validation_steps': 344,
                   'validation_summary_subdir': 'validation'} }
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>


# Setting up the Strategy
if exp_config.runtime.mixed_precision_dtype == tf.float16:

if 'GPU' in ''.join(logical_device_names):
  distribution_strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy()
elif 'TPU' in ''.join(logical_device_names):
  tpu = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='/device:TPU_SYSTEM:0')
  distribution_strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy(tpu)
  print('Warning: this will be really slow.')
  distribution_strategy = tf.distribute.OneDeviceStrategy(logical_device_names[0])

INFO:tensorflow:Using MirroredStrategy with devices ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0', '/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:1', '/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:2', '/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:3')
INFO:tensorflow:Using MirroredStrategy with devices ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0', '/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:1', '/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:2', '/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:3')

config_definitions.TaskConfig创建Task对象 (tfm.core.base_task.Task)。


model_dir = './trained_model/'

with distribution_strategy.scope():
  task = tfm.core.task_factory.get_task(exp_config.task, logging_dir=model_dir)


for images, masks in task.build_inputs(exp_config.task.train_data).take(1):
  print(f'images.shape: {str(images.shape):16}  images.dtype: {images.dtype!r}')
  print(f'masks.shape: {str(masks["masks"].shape):16} images.dtype: {masks["masks"].dtype!r}')
images.shape: (16, 128, 128, 3)  images.dtype: tf.float32
masks.shape: (16, 128, 128, 1) images.dtype: tf.float32

用于可视化 TFRecords 结果的辅助函数

def plot_masks(display_list):
  plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))

  title = ['Input Image', 'True Mask', 'Predicted Mask']

  for i in range(len(display_list)):
    plt.subplot(1, len(display_list), i+1)





num_examples = 3

for images, masks in task.build_inputs(exp_config.task.train_data).take(num_examples):
  plot_masks([images[0], masks['masks'][0]])






model, eval_logs = tfm.core.train_lib.run_experiment(
              params=exp_config, model_dir=model_dir),
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
INFO:tensorflow:Reduce to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 then broadcast to ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0',).
restoring or initializing model...
INFO:tensorflow:Customized initialization is done through the passed `init_fn`.
INFO:tensorflow:Customized initialization is done through the passed `init_fn`.
train | step:      0 | training until step 344...
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 165 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 165 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 1 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/gamma:0', 'conv2dbn_block_1/batch_normalization/beta:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss` argument?
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 165 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
INFO:tensorflow:Collective all_reduce tensors: 165 all_reduces, num_devices = 4, group_size = 4, implementation = CommunicationImplementation.NCCL, num_packs = 1
train | step:    344 | steps/sec:    2.0 | output: 
    {'learning_rate': 0.09287634,
     'mean_iou': 0.5759032,
     'training_loss': 0.50292987}
saved checkpoint to ./trained_model/ckpt-344.
 eval | step:    344 | running 344 steps of evaluation...
WARNING:tensorflow:Setting parallel_iterations > 1 has no effect when executing eagerly. Consider calling map_fn with tf.function to execute fn in parallel.
WARNING:tensorflow:Setting parallel_iterations > 1 has no effect when executing eagerly. Consider calling map_fn with tf.function to execute fn in parallel.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/official/vision/utils/object_detection/visualization_utils.py:1016: calling map_fn_v2 (from tensorflow.python.ops.map_fn) with back_prop=False is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
back_prop=False is deprecated. Consider using tf.stop_gradient instead.
Instead of:
results = tf.map_fn(fn, elems, back_prop=False)
results = tf.nest.map_structure(tf.stop_gradient, tf.map_fn(fn, elems))
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/official/vision/utils/object_detection/visualization_utils.py:1016: calling map_fn_v2 (from tensorflow.python.ops.map_fn) with back_prop=False is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
back_prop=False is deprecated. Consider using tf.stop_gradient instead.
Instead of:
results = tf.map_fn(fn, elems, back_prop=False)
results = tf.nest.map_structure(tf.stop_gradient, tf.map_fn(fn, elems))
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/autograph/impl/api.py:460: py_func (from tensorflow.python.ops.script_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
tf.py_func is deprecated in TF V2. Instead, there are two
    options available in V2.

    - tf.py_function takes a python function which manipulates tf eager
    tensors instead of numpy arrays. It's easy to convert a tf eager tensor to
    an ndarray (just call tensor.numpy()) but having access to eager tensors
    means `tf.py_function`s can use accelerators such as GPUs as well as
    being differentiable using a gradient tape.
    - tf.numpy_function maintains the semantics of the deprecated tf.py_func
    (it is not differentiable, and manipulates numpy arrays). It drops the
    stateful argument making all functions stateful.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/autograph/impl/api.py:460: py_func (from tensorflow.python.ops.script_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
tf.py_func is deprecated in TF V2. Instead, there are two
    options available in V2.

    - tf.py_function takes a python function which manipulates tf eager
    tensors instead of numpy arrays. It's easy to convert a tf eager tensor to
    an ndarray (just call tensor.numpy()) but having access to eager tensors
    means `tf.py_function`s can use accelerators such as GPUs as well as
    being differentiable using a gradient tape.
    - tf.numpy_function maintains the semantics of the deprecated tf.py_func
    (it is not differentiable, and manipulates numpy arrays). It drops the
    stateful argument making all functions stateful.
eval | step:    344 | steps/sec:   30.2 | eval time:   11.4 sec | output: 
    {'best_mean_iou': 0.6224187,
     'image/validation_outputs/0': array([[[[120, 173,  62],
             [129, 175,  65],
             [129, 175,  67],
             [136, 185,  80],
             [137, 186,  81],
             [137, 185,  78]],
            [[122, 175,  60],
             [128, 179,  65],
             [127, 179,  64],
             [133, 185,  79],
             [138, 189,  85],
             [143, 189,  85]],
            [[105, 152,  30],
             [108, 155,  33],
             [105, 149,  26],
             [144, 193,  88],
             [143, 196,  89],
             [141, 194,  88]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [104, 164,  58],
             [101, 163,  56],
             [101, 160,  53]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [104, 165,  57],
             [101, 163,  55],
             [ 93, 152,  44]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [100, 164,  55],
             [ 89, 149,  41],
             [ 59, 110,   5]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/1': array([[[[129, 190, 105],
             [130, 190, 106],
             [131, 191, 106],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 227, 137],
             [165, 226, 135]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 138],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 228, 137]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [167, 227, 136]],
            [[ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 81, 123,  23],
             [ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]],
            [[ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 83, 125,  25],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 75, 118,  19]],
            [[ 77, 121,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  19],
             [ 81, 124,  22],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/10': array([[[[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/11': array([[[[126, 176,  29],
             [130, 177,  34],
             [128, 176,  34],
             [123, 174,  27],
             [121, 172,  26],
             [120, 171,  26]],
            [[127, 176,  32],
             [126, 172,  31],
             [111, 157,  17],
             [120, 173,  26],
             [120, 172,  26],
             [120, 172,  27]],
            [[124, 175,  28],
             [126, 173,  30],
             [126, 175,  33],
             [119, 173,  25],
             [117, 172,  24],
             [119, 172,  25]],
            [[ 99, 161,  17],
             [104, 163,  23],
             [107, 163,  19],
             [107, 166,  22],
             [ 98, 158,  13],
             [100, 163,  14]],
            [[ 98, 164,  15],
             [ 99, 164,  19],
             [ 98, 159,  11],
             [113, 166,  28],
             [110, 163,  25],
             [105, 164,  20]],
            [[105, 167,  20],
             [ 97, 160,  14],
             [ 98, 154,  10],
             [109, 164,  24],
             [110, 163,  28],
             [109, 162,  22]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/12': array([[[[125, 166,  55],
             [123, 166,  55],
             [126, 169,  60],
             [130, 167,  54],
             [129, 166,  55],
             [128, 163,  52]],
            [[123, 167,  55],
             [123, 167,  56],
             [122, 166,  56],
             [127, 165,  52],
             [126, 163,  52],
             [126, 161,  50]],
            [[122, 166,  54],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [101, 145,  36],
             [125, 163,  50],
             [125, 161,  51],
             [126, 161,  50]],
            [[116, 159,  49],
             [109, 151,  41],
             [116, 160,  51],
             [107, 150,  41],
             [111, 155,  46],
             [120, 164,  55]],
            [[108, 151,  41],
             [101, 144,  35],
             [112, 156,  47],
             [115, 160,  51],
             [117, 161,  53],
             [126, 171,  61]],
            [[104, 147,  38],
             [103, 145,  37],
             [107, 151,  42],
             [121, 166,  55],
             [117, 161,  52],
             [130, 175,  64]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/2': array([[[[188, 250, 149],
             [192, 249, 149],
             [197, 252, 151],
             [ 51, 114,  19],
             [ 52, 115,  21],
             [ 51, 114,  19]],
            [[191, 251, 151],
             [186, 250, 151],
             [185, 245, 144],
             [ 52, 115,  20],
             [ 52, 115,  22],
             [ 51, 115,  20]],
            [[185, 245, 147],
             [177, 245, 146],
             [138, 203, 104],
             [ 52, 115,  20],
             [ 52, 115,  22],
             [ 52, 115,  22]],
            [[134, 206, 114],
             [135, 205, 113],
             [135, 206, 114],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[134, 205, 113],
             [135, 204, 113],
             [134, 203, 112],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 52, 102,   0],
             [ 52, 102,   0]],
            [[132, 202, 110],
             [133, 202, 110],
             [132, 202, 109],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 52, 102,   0],
             [ 52, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/3': array([[[[ 59, 104,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 66, 112,   7],
             [ 68, 120,   8],
             [ 71, 122,  12],
             [ 73, 123,  12]],
            [[ 58, 104,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 65, 112,   6],
             [ 68, 120,  10],
             [ 71, 123,  13],
             [ 72, 124,  12]],
            [[ 59, 105,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   1],
             [ 66, 118,   8],
             [ 68, 119,  10],
             [ 68, 119,   9]],
            [[ 55, 106,   0],
             [ 55, 106,   0],
             [ 46, 103,   5],
             [ 62, 112,   1],
             [ 63, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   2]],
            [[ 55, 106,   0],
             [ 55, 107,   0],
             [ 47, 104,   6],
             [ 65, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   1],
             [ 65, 111,   1]],
            [[ 54, 105,   0],
             [ 54, 106,   0],
             [ 48, 106,   7],
             [ 63, 110,   2],
             [ 63, 109,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/4': array([[[[145, 188,  78],
             [145, 189,  80],
             [144, 188,  79],
             [140, 179,  67],
             [143, 182,  72],
             [141, 185,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [143, 187,  79],
             [140, 184,  76],
             [134, 176,  65],
             [140, 184,  71],
             [139, 182,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [147, 190,  82],
             [120, 163,  56],
             [125, 167,  58],
             [125, 169,  57],
             [123, 170,  58]],
            [[137, 175,  64],
             [129, 170,  57],
             [131, 170,  61],
             [136, 178,  68],
             [132, 175,  63],
             [118, 160,  49]],
            [[ 95, 136,  21],
             [140, 182,  70],
             [140, 181,  73],
             [129, 170,  61],
             [128, 170,  59],
             [130, 172,  60]],
            [[ 95, 139,  21],
             [138, 184,  72],
             [142, 184,  77],
             [150, 190,  82],
             [151, 194,  83],
             [140, 181,  71]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/5': array([[[[ 74, 119,  12],
             [ 71, 118,  10],
             [ 65, 113,   7],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 68, 122,   5],
             [ 60, 115,   2]],
            [[ 77, 121,  14],
             [ 78, 121,  13],
             [ 77, 120,  12],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 77, 126,   9],
             [ 54, 107,   0]],
            [[ 65, 113,   6],
             [ 83, 127,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  12],
             [ 60, 118,   5],
             [ 72, 122,   9],
             [ 62, 112,   5]],
            [[141, 206, 112],
             [141, 206, 113],
             [142, 208, 112],
             [149, 211, 115],
             [147, 209, 113],
             [144, 208, 111]],
            [[134, 203, 110],
             [135, 203, 112],
             [136, 205, 112],
             [140, 204, 110],
             [138, 203, 108],
             [135, 203, 108]],
            [[123, 196, 105],
             [124, 196, 107],
             [125, 198, 107],
             [140, 202, 109],
             [138, 203, 109],
             [138, 202, 107]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/6': array([[[[147, 212,  98],
             [174, 236, 126],
             [169, 229, 121],
             [ 57, 121,  17],
             [132, 195,  94],
             [ 95, 155,  58]],
            [[141, 209,  96],
             [153, 217, 109],
             [132, 192,  83],
             [ 96, 159,  59],
             [ 86, 149,  50],
             [137, 199,  95]],
            [[152, 212, 109],
             [180, 239, 137],
             [158, 218, 111],
             [187, 243, 147],
             [189, 245, 146],
             [142, 203,  98]],
            [[ 96, 181,  22],
             [ 93, 181,  11],
             [ 80, 175,   2],
             [174, 225, 113],
             [173, 224, 113],
             [167, 218, 105]],
            [[102, 189,  27],
             [100, 183,  19],
             [ 85, 170,   5],
             [164, 214, 103],
             [172, 222, 112],
             [168, 220, 108]],
            [[104, 181,  26],
             [114, 177,  32],
             [ 75, 159,   0],
             [170, 220, 110],
             [168, 220, 110],
             [165, 217, 106]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/7': array([[[[161, 172,  20],
             [156, 172,  18],
             [157, 170,  21],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [181, 217,  90],
             [179, 217,  87]],
            [[156, 173,  17],
             [154, 170,  21],
             [145, 166,  23],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [182, 219,  89]],
            [[156, 170,  16],
             [158, 170,  21],
             [149, 169,  25],
             [182, 220,  91],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [180, 219,  90]],
            [[158, 169,  22],
             [161, 173,  25],
             [161, 175,  26],
             [174, 199,  56],
             [171, 194,  53],
             [170, 194,  50]],
            [[158, 169,  21],
             [160, 172,  21],
             [161, 173,  23],
             [172, 198,  58],
             [168, 196,  56],
             [170, 197,  55]],
            [[156, 167,  21],
             [158, 170,  22],
             [161, 173,  24],
             [170, 196,  56],
             [169, 197,  56],
             [172, 201,  62]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/8': array([[[[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  19],
             [119, 152,  20],
             [116, 150,  22],
             [118, 150,  23],
             [114, 149,  20]],
            [[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  22],
             [114, 148,  20],
             [119, 152,  25],
             [116, 148,  22],
             [113, 148,  23]],
            [[120, 152,  21],
             [120, 153,  23],
             [ 98, 131,   5],
             [122, 154,  25],
             [117, 149,  23],
             [114, 148,  22]],
            [[122, 155,  23],
             [111, 144,  17],
             [111, 146,  17],
             [126, 158,  33],
             [132, 163,  33],
             [126, 158,  31]],
            [[116, 148,  17],
             [108, 142,  16],
             [113, 147,  19],
             [127, 158,  33],
             [127, 158,  30],
             [128, 159,  31]],
            [[113, 147,  16],
             [108, 143,  14],
             [109, 143,  13],
             [122, 155,  30],
             [125, 156,  29],
             [125, 156,  30]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/9': array([[[[160, 209,  91],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 189,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[159, 209,  90],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [161, 212,  95],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49],
             [144, 189,  50]],
            [[160, 210,  91],
             [158, 209,  91],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[124, 174,  37],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [125, 174,  37],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  19]],
            [[124, 174,  35],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [126, 175,  38],
             [112, 161,  22],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19]],
            [[125, 175,  36],
             [126, 176,  39],
             [128, 178,  41],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [110, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  18]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'iou/0': 0.7160484,
     'iou/1': 0.8467605,
     'iou/2': 0.30444714,
     'mean_iou': 0.6224187,
     'steps_per_second': 30.152094229540886,
     'validation_loss': 0.49941143}
train | step:    344 | training until step 688...
train | step:    688 | steps/sec:    5.2 | output: 
    {'learning_rate': 0.0735352,
     'mean_iou': 0.63586026,
     'training_loss': 0.42186454}
saved checkpoint to ./trained_model/ckpt-688.
 eval | step:    688 | running 344 steps of evaluation...
 eval | step:    688 | steps/sec:  108.5 | eval time:    3.2 sec | output: 
    {'best_mean_iou': 0.6573053,
     'image/validation_outputs/0': array([[[[120, 173,  62],
             [129, 175,  65],
             [129, 175,  67],
             [136, 185,  80],
             [137, 186,  81],
             [137, 185,  78]],
            [[122, 175,  60],
             [128, 179,  65],
             [127, 179,  64],
             [133, 185,  79],
             [138, 189,  85],
             [143, 189,  85]],
            [[105, 152,  30],
             [108, 155,  33],
             [105, 149,  26],
             [144, 193,  88],
             [143, 196,  89],
             [141, 194,  88]],
            [[ 45, 102,   0],
             [ 45, 102,   0],
             [ 46, 102,   0],
             [104, 164,  58],
             [101, 163,  56],
             [101, 160,  53]],
            [[ 44, 102,   0],
             [ 45, 102,   0],
             [ 46, 102,   0],
             [104, 165,  57],
             [101, 163,  55],
             [ 93, 152,  44]],
            [[ 44, 102,   0],
             [ 45, 102,   0],
             [ 46, 102,   0],
             [100, 164,  55],
             [ 89, 149,  41],
             [ 59, 110,   5]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/1': array([[[[129, 190, 105],
             [130, 190, 106],
             [131, 191, 106],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 227, 137],
             [165, 226, 135]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 138],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 228, 137]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [167, 227, 136]],
            [[ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 81, 123,  23],
             [ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]],
            [[ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 83, 125,  25],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 75, 118,  19]],
            [[ 77, 121,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  19],
             [ 81, 124,  22],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/10': array([[[[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/11': array([[[[126, 176,  29],
             [130, 177,  34],
             [128, 176,  34],
             [122, 174,  27],
             [120, 172,  26],
             [119, 171,  26]],
            [[127, 176,  32],
             [126, 172,  31],
             [111, 157,  17],
             [119, 173,  26],
             [120, 172,  26],
             [120, 172,  27]],
            [[124, 175,  28],
             [126, 173,  30],
             [126, 175,  33],
             [118, 173,  25],
             [117, 172,  24],
             [118, 172,  25]],
            [[100, 161,  17],
             [106, 163,  23],
             [108, 163,  19],
             [107, 166,  22],
             [ 98, 158,  13],
             [100, 163,  14]],
            [[ 99, 164,  15],
             [100, 164,  19],
             [ 99, 159,  11],
             [113, 166,  28],
             [110, 163,  25],
             [105, 164,  20]],
            [[106, 167,  20],
             [ 98, 160,  14],
             [ 99, 154,  10],
             [109, 164,  24],
             [110, 163,  28],
             [109, 162,  22]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/12': array([[[[125, 166,  55],
             [123, 166,  55],
             [126, 169,  60],
             [130, 167,  54],
             [129, 166,  55],
             [128, 163,  52]],
            [[123, 167,  55],
             [123, 167,  56],
             [122, 166,  56],
             [127, 165,  52],
             [126, 163,  52],
             [126, 161,  50]],
            [[122, 166,  54],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [101, 145,  36],
             [125, 163,  50],
             [125, 161,  51],
             [126, 161,  50]],
            [[116, 159,  49],
             [109, 151,  41],
             [116, 160,  51],
             [107, 150,  41],
             [111, 155,  46],
             [120, 164,  55]],
            [[108, 151,  41],
             [101, 144,  35],
             [112, 156,  47],
             [115, 160,  51],
             [117, 161,  53],
             [126, 171,  61]],
            [[104, 147,  38],
             [103, 145,  37],
             [107, 151,  42],
             [121, 166,  55],
             [117, 161,  52],
             [130, 175,  64]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/2': array([[[[188, 250, 149],
             [192, 249, 149],
             [197, 252, 151],
             [ 52, 114,  19],
             [ 53, 115,  21],
             [ 53, 114,  19]],
            [[191, 251, 151],
             [186, 250, 151],
             [185, 245, 144],
             [ 54, 115,  20],
             [ 54, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  20]],
            [[185, 245, 147],
             [177, 245, 146],
             [138, 203, 104],
             [ 52, 115,  20],
             [ 54, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  22]],
            [[134, 206, 114],
             [135, 205, 113],
             [135, 206, 114],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[134, 205, 113],
             [135, 204, 113],
             [134, 203, 112],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[132, 202, 110],
             [133, 202, 110],
             [132, 202, 109],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/3': array([[[[ 59, 104,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 66, 112,   7],
             [ 68, 120,   8],
             [ 71, 122,  12],
             [ 73, 123,  12]],
            [[ 58, 104,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 65, 112,   6],
             [ 68, 120,  10],
             [ 71, 123,  13],
             [ 72, 124,  12]],
            [[ 59, 105,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   1],
             [ 66, 118,   8],
             [ 68, 119,  10],
             [ 68, 119,   9]],
            [[ 55, 106,   0],
             [ 54, 106,   0],
             [ 46, 103,   5],
             [ 62, 112,   1],
             [ 62, 112,   2],
             [ 62, 110,   2]],
            [[ 54, 106,   0],
             [ 54, 107,   0],
             [ 46, 104,   6],
             [ 64, 112,   2],
             [ 62, 110,   1],
             [ 64, 111,   1]],
            [[ 53, 105,   0],
             [ 53, 106,   0],
             [ 47, 106,   7],
             [ 62, 110,   2],
             [ 62, 109,   2],
             [ 62, 110,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/4': array([[[[145, 188,  78],
             [145, 189,  80],
             [144, 188,  79],
             [140, 179,  67],
             [143, 182,  72],
             [141, 185,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [143, 187,  79],
             [140, 184,  76],
             [134, 176,  65],
             [140, 184,  71],
             [139, 182,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [147, 190,  82],
             [120, 163,  56],
             [125, 167,  58],
             [125, 169,  57],
             [123, 170,  58]],
            [[137, 175,  64],
             [129, 170,  57],
             [131, 170,  61],
             [136, 178,  68],
             [132, 175,  63],
             [118, 160,  49]],
            [[ 95, 136,  21],
             [140, 182,  70],
             [140, 181,  73],
             [129, 170,  61],
             [128, 170,  59],
             [130, 172,  60]],
            [[ 95, 139,  21],
             [138, 184,  72],
             [142, 184,  77],
             [150, 190,  82],
             [151, 194,  83],
             [140, 181,  71]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/5': array([[[[ 74, 119,  12],
             [ 71, 118,  10],
             [ 65, 113,   7],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 68, 122,   5],
             [ 60, 115,   2]],
            [[ 77, 121,  14],
             [ 78, 121,  13],
             [ 77, 120,  12],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 77, 126,   9],
             [ 54, 107,   0]],
            [[ 65, 113,   6],
             [ 83, 127,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  12],
             [ 60, 118,   5],
             [ 72, 122,   9],
             [ 62, 112,   5]],
            [[141, 206, 112],
             [141, 206, 113],
             [142, 208, 112],
             [149, 211, 115],
             [147, 209, 113],
             [144, 208, 111]],
            [[134, 203, 110],
             [135, 203, 112],
             [136, 205, 112],
             [140, 204, 110],
             [138, 203, 108],
             [135, 203, 108]],
            [[123, 196, 105],
             [124, 196, 107],
             [125, 198, 107],
             [140, 202, 109],
             [138, 203, 109],
             [138, 202, 107]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/6': array([[[[147, 212,  98],
             [174, 236, 126],
             [169, 229, 121],
             [ 57, 121,  17],
             [132, 195,  94],
             [ 95, 155,  58]],
            [[141, 209,  96],
             [153, 217, 109],
             [132, 192,  83],
             [ 96, 159,  59],
             [ 86, 149,  50],
             [137, 199,  95]],
            [[152, 212, 109],
             [180, 239, 137],
             [158, 218, 111],
             [187, 243, 147],
             [189, 245, 146],
             [142, 203,  98]],
            [[ 96, 181,  22],
             [ 93, 181,  11],
             [ 80, 175,   2],
             [174, 225, 113],
             [173, 224, 113],
             [167, 218, 105]],
            [[102, 189,  27],
             [100, 183,  19],
             [ 85, 170,   5],
             [164, 214, 103],
             [172, 222, 112],
             [168, 220, 108]],
            [[104, 181,  26],
             [114, 177,  32],
             [ 75, 159,   0],
             [170, 220, 110],
             [168, 220, 110],
             [165, 217, 106]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/7': array([[[[161, 172,  20],
             [156, 172,  18],
             [157, 170,  21],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [181, 217,  90],
             [179, 217,  87]],
            [[156, 173,  17],
             [154, 170,  21],
             [145, 166,  23],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [182, 219,  89]],
            [[156, 170,  16],
             [158, 170,  21],
             [149, 169,  25],
             [182, 220,  91],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [180, 219,  90]],
            [[157, 169,  22],
             [160, 173,  25],
             [161, 175,  26],
             [179, 199,  56],
             [176, 194,  53],
             [176, 194,  50]],
            [[157, 169,  21],
             [159, 172,  21],
             [160, 173,  23],
             [177, 198,  58],
             [174, 196,  56],
             [176, 197,  55]],
            [[156, 167,  21],
             [157, 170,  22],
             [160, 173,  24],
             [176, 196,  56],
             [175, 197,  56],
             [179, 201,  62]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/8': array([[[[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  19],
             [119, 152,  20],
             [116, 150,  22],
             [118, 150,  23],
             [114, 149,  20]],
            [[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  22],
             [114, 148,  20],
             [119, 152,  25],
             [116, 148,  22],
             [113, 148,  23]],
            [[120, 152,  21],
             [120, 153,  23],
             [ 98, 131,   5],
             [122, 154,  25],
             [117, 149,  23],
             [114, 148,  22]],
            [[122, 155,  23],
             [111, 144,  17],
             [111, 146,  17],
             [126, 158,  33],
             [132, 163,  33],
             [126, 158,  31]],
            [[116, 148,  17],
             [108, 142,  16],
             [113, 147,  19],
             [127, 158,  33],
             [127, 158,  30],
             [128, 159,  31]],
            [[113, 147,  16],
             [108, 143,  14],
             [109, 143,  13],
             [122, 155,  30],
             [125, 156,  29],
             [125, 156,  30]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/9': array([[[[160, 209,  91],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 189,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[159, 209,  90],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [161, 212,  95],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49],
             [144, 189,  50]],
            [[160, 210,  91],
             [158, 209,  91],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[124, 174,  37],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [125, 174,  37],
             [117, 159,  20],
             [116, 158,  19],
             [115, 157,  19]],
            [[124, 174,  35],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [126, 175,  38],
             [119, 161,  22],
             [117, 159,  20],
             [116, 158,  19]],
            [[125, 175,  36],
             [126, 176,  39],
             [128, 178,  41],
             [118, 159,  20],
             [117, 158,  19],
             [116, 157,  18]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'iou/0': 0.7739854,
     'iou/1': 0.8697517,
     'iou/2': 0.3281788,
     'mean_iou': 0.6573053,
     'steps_per_second': 108.47001408687251,
     'validation_loss': 0.40915582}
train | step:    688 | training until step 1032...
train | step:   1032 | steps/sec:    6.0 | output: 
    {'learning_rate': 0.047487784,
     'mean_iou': 0.67253137,
     'training_loss': 0.374695}
saved checkpoint to ./trained_model/ckpt-1032.
 eval | step:   1032 | running 344 steps of evaluation...
 eval | step:   1032 | steps/sec:   78.0 | eval time:    4.4 sec | output: 
    {'best_mean_iou': 0.67205024,
     'image/validation_outputs/0': array([[[[120, 173,  62],
             [129, 175,  65],
             [129, 175,  67],
             [136, 185,  80],
             [137, 186,  81],
             [137, 185,  78]],
            [[122, 175,  60],
             [128, 179,  65],
             [127, 179,  64],
             [133, 185,  79],
             [138, 189,  85],
             [143, 189,  85]],
            [[105, 152,  30],
             [108, 155,  33],
             [105, 149,  26],
             [144, 193,  88],
             [143, 196,  89],
             [141, 194,  88]],
            [[ 45, 102,   0],
             [ 46, 102,   0],
             [ 46, 102,   0],
             [104, 164,  58],
             [101, 163,  56],
             [101, 160,  53]],
            [[ 45, 102,   0],
             [ 45, 102,   0],
             [ 45, 102,   0],
             [104, 165,  57],
             [101, 163,  55],
             [ 93, 152,  44]],
            [[ 44, 102,   0],
             [ 45, 102,   0],
             [ 45, 102,   0],
             [100, 164,  55],
             [ 89, 149,  41],
             [ 59, 110,   5]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/1': array([[[[129, 190, 105],
             [130, 190, 106],
             [131, 191, 106],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 227, 137],
             [165, 226, 135]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 138],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 228, 137]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [167, 227, 136]],
            [[ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 81, 123,  23],
             [ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]],
            [[ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 83, 125,  25],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 75, 118,  19]],
            [[ 77, 121,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  19],
             [ 81, 124,  22],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/10': array([[[[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/11': array([[[[126, 176,  29],
             [130, 177,  34],
             [128, 176,  34],
             [123, 174,  27],
             [121, 172,  26],
             [120, 171,  26]],
            [[127, 176,  32],
             [126, 172,  31],
             [111, 157,  17],
             [120, 173,  26],
             [120, 172,  26],
             [120, 172,  27]],
            [[124, 175,  28],
             [126, 173,  30],
             [126, 175,  33],
             [119, 173,  25],
             [117, 172,  24],
             [119, 172,  25]],
            [[100, 161,  17],
             [106, 163,  23],
             [108, 163,  19],
             [107, 166,  22],
             [ 98, 158,  13],
             [100, 163,  14]],
            [[ 99, 164,  15],
             [100, 164,  19],
             [ 99, 159,  11],
             [113, 166,  28],
             [110, 163,  25],
             [105, 164,  20]],
            [[106, 167,  20],
             [ 98, 160,  14],
             [ 99, 154,  10],
             [109, 164,  24],
             [110, 163,  28],
             [109, 162,  22]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/12': array([[[[125, 166,  55],
             [123, 166,  55],
             [126, 169,  60],
             [119, 167,  54],
             [118, 166,  55],
             [116, 163,  52]],
            [[123, 167,  55],
             [123, 167,  56],
             [122, 166,  56],
             [117, 165,  52],
             [115, 163,  52],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[122, 166,  54],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [101, 145,  36],
             [115, 163,  50],
             [113, 161,  51],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[116, 159,  49],
             [109, 151,  41],
             [116, 160,  51],
             [108, 150,  41],
             [112, 155,  46],
             [121, 164,  55]],
            [[108, 151,  41],
             [101, 144,  35],
             [112, 156,  47],
             [117, 160,  51],
             [119, 161,  53],
             [128, 171,  61]],
            [[104, 147,  38],
             [103, 145,  37],
             [107, 151,  42],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [119, 161,  52],
             [131, 175,  64]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/2': array([[[[188, 250, 149],
             [192, 249, 149],
             [197, 252, 151],
             [ 51, 114,  19],
             [ 53, 115,  21],
             [ 52, 114,  19]],
            [[191, 251, 151],
             [186, 250, 151],
             [185, 245, 144],
             [ 53, 115,  20],
             [ 53, 115,  22],
             [ 52, 115,  20]],
            [[185, 245, 147],
             [177, 245, 146],
             [138, 203, 104],
             [ 52, 115,  20],
             [ 53, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  22]],
            [[134, 206, 114],
             [135, 205, 113],
             [135, 206, 114],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[134, 205, 113],
             [135, 204, 113],
             [134, 203, 112],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[132, 202, 110],
             [133, 202, 110],
             [132, 202, 109],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/3': array([[[[ 59, 104,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 66, 112,   7],
             [ 68, 120,   8],
             [ 71, 122,  12],
             [ 73, 123,  12]],
            [[ 58, 104,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 65, 112,   6],
             [ 68, 120,  10],
             [ 71, 123,  13],
             [ 72, 124,  12]],
            [[ 59, 105,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   1],
             [ 66, 118,   8],
             [ 68, 119,  10],
             [ 68, 119,   9]],
            [[ 61, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   5],
             [ 62, 112,   1],
             [ 62, 112,   2],
             [ 62, 110,   2]],
            [[ 61, 106,   0],
             [ 61, 107,   0],
             [ 52, 104,   6],
             [ 64, 112,   2],
             [ 62, 110,   1],
             [ 64, 111,   1]],
            [[ 61, 105,   0],
             [ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 53, 106,   7],
             [ 62, 110,   2],
             [ 62, 109,   2],
             [ 62, 110,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/4': array([[[[145, 188,  78],
             [145, 189,  80],
             [144, 188,  79],
             [140, 179,  67],
             [143, 182,  72],
             [141, 185,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [143, 187,  79],
             [140, 184,  76],
             [134, 176,  65],
             [140, 184,  71],
             [139, 182,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [147, 190,  82],
             [120, 163,  56],
             [125, 167,  58],
             [125, 169,  57],
             [123, 170,  58]],
            [[137, 175,  64],
             [129, 170,  57],
             [131, 170,  61],
             [136, 178,  68],
             [132, 175,  63],
             [118, 160,  49]],
            [[ 95, 136,  21],
             [140, 182,  70],
             [140, 181,  73],
             [129, 170,  61],
             [128, 170,  59],
             [130, 172,  60]],
            [[ 95, 139,  21],
             [138, 184,  72],
             [142, 184,  77],
             [150, 190,  82],
             [151, 194,  83],
             [140, 181,  71]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/5': array([[[[ 74, 119,  12],
             [ 71, 118,  10],
             [ 65, 113,   7],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 68, 122,   5],
             [ 60, 115,   2]],
            [[ 77, 121,  14],
             [ 78, 121,  13],
             [ 77, 120,  12],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 77, 126,   9],
             [ 54, 107,   0]],
            [[ 65, 113,   6],
             [ 83, 127,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  12],
             [ 60, 118,   5],
             [ 72, 122,   9],
             [ 62, 112,   5]],
            [[141, 206, 112],
             [141, 206, 113],
             [142, 208, 112],
             [149, 211, 115],
             [147, 209, 113],
             [144, 208, 111]],
            [[134, 203, 110],
             [135, 203, 112],
             [136, 205, 112],
             [140, 204, 110],
             [138, 203, 108],
             [135, 203, 108]],
            [[123, 196, 105],
             [124, 196, 107],
             [125, 198, 107],
             [140, 202, 109],
             [138, 203, 109],
             [138, 202, 107]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/6': array([[[[147, 212,  98],
             [174, 236, 126],
             [169, 229, 121],
             [ 57, 121,  17],
             [132, 195,  94],
             [ 95, 155,  58]],
            [[141, 209,  96],
             [153, 217, 109],
             [132, 192,  83],
             [ 96, 159,  59],
             [ 86, 149,  50],
             [137, 199,  95]],
            [[152, 212, 109],
             [180, 239, 137],
             [158, 218, 111],
             [187, 243, 147],
             [189, 245, 146],
             [142, 203,  98]],
            [[ 96, 181,  22],
             [ 93, 181,  11],
             [ 80, 175,   2],
             [174, 225, 113],
             [173, 224, 113],
             [167, 218, 105]],
            [[102, 189,  27],
             [100, 183,  19],
             [ 85, 170,   5],
             [164, 214, 103],
             [172, 222, 112],
             [168, 220, 108]],
            [[104, 181,  26],
             [114, 177,  32],
             [ 75, 159,   0],
             [170, 220, 110],
             [168, 220, 110],
             [165, 217, 106]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/7': array([[[[161, 172,  20],
             [156, 172,  18],
             [157, 170,  21],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [181, 217,  90],
             [179, 217,  87]],
            [[156, 173,  17],
             [154, 170,  21],
             [145, 166,  23],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [182, 219,  89]],
            [[156, 170,  16],
             [158, 170,  21],
             [149, 169,  25],
             [182, 220,  91],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [180, 219,  90]],
            [[157, 169,  22],
             [160, 173,  25],
             [161, 175,  26],
             [128, 199, 158],
             [125, 194, 155],
             [125, 194, 152]],
            [[157, 169,  21],
             [159, 172,  21],
             [160, 173,  23],
             [127, 198, 160],
             [124, 196, 158],
             [125, 197, 157]],
            [[156, 167,  21],
             [157, 170,  22],
             [160, 173,  24],
             [125, 196, 158],
             [124, 197, 158],
             [128, 201, 164]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/8': array([[[[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  19],
             [119, 152,  20],
             [116, 150,  22],
             [118, 150,  23],
             [114, 149,  20]],
            [[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  22],
             [114, 148,  20],
             [119, 152,  25],
             [116, 148,  22],
             [113, 148,  23]],
            [[120, 152,  21],
             [120, 153,  23],
             [ 98, 131,   5],
             [122, 154,  25],
             [117, 149,  23],
             [114, 148,  22]],
            [[122, 155,  23],
             [111, 144,  17],
             [111, 146,  17],
             [126, 158,  33],
             [132, 163,  33],
             [126, 158,  31]],
            [[116, 148,  17],
             [108, 142,  16],
             [113, 147,  19],
             [127, 158,  33],
             [127, 158,  30],
             [128, 159,  31]],
            [[113, 147,  16],
             [108, 143,  14],
             [109, 143,  13],
             [122, 155,  30],
             [125, 156,  29],
             [125, 156,  30]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/9': array([[[[160, 209,  91],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 189,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[159, 209,  90],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [161, 212,  95],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49],
             [144, 189,  50]],
            [[160, 210,  91],
             [158, 209,  91],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[124, 174,  37],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [125, 174,  37],
             [117, 159,  20],
             [116, 158,  19],
             [115, 157,  19]],
            [[124, 174,  35],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [126, 175,  38],
             [119, 161,  22],
             [117, 159,  20],
             [116, 158,  19]],
            [[125, 175,  36],
             [126, 176,  39],
             [128, 178,  41],
             [118, 159,  20],
             [117, 158,  19],
             [116, 157,  18]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'iou/0': 0.79509777,
     'iou/1': 0.8881304,
     'iou/2': 0.33292255,
     'mean_iou': 0.67205024,
     'steps_per_second': 78.04197055734723,
     'validation_loss': 0.38547286}
train | step:   1032 | training until step 1376...
train | step:   1376 | steps/sec:    5.9 | output: 
    {'learning_rate': 0.022156214,
     'mean_iou': 0.69301605,
     'training_loss': 0.3454611}
saved checkpoint to ./trained_model/ckpt-1376.
 eval | step:   1376 | running 344 steps of evaluation...
 eval | step:   1376 | steps/sec:  106.0 | eval time:    3.2 sec | output: 
    {'best_mean_iou': 0.6818839,
     'image/validation_outputs/0': array([[[[120, 173,  62],
             [129, 175,  65],
             [129, 175,  67],
             [136, 185,  80],
             [137, 186,  81],
             [137, 185,  78]],
            [[122, 175,  60],
             [128, 179,  65],
             [127, 179,  64],
             [133, 185,  79],
             [138, 189,  85],
             [143, 189,  85]],
            [[105, 152,  30],
             [108, 155,  33],
             [105, 149,  26],
             [144, 193,  88],
             [143, 196,  89],
             [141, 194,  88]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [104, 164,  58],
             [101, 163,  56],
             [101, 160,  53]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [104, 165,  57],
             [101, 163,  55],
             [ 93, 152,  44]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [100, 164,  55],
             [ 89, 149,  41],
             [ 59, 110,   5]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/1': array([[[[129, 190, 105],
             [130, 190, 106],
             [131, 191, 106],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 227, 137],
             [165, 226, 135]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 138],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 228, 137]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [167, 227, 136]],
            [[ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 81, 123,  23],
             [ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]],
            [[ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 83, 125,  25],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 75, 118,  19]],
            [[ 77, 121,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  19],
             [ 81, 124,  22],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/10': array([[[[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/11': array([[[[126, 176,  29],
             [130, 177,  34],
             [128, 176,  34],
             [123, 174,  27],
             [121, 172,  26],
             [120, 171,  26]],
            [[127, 176,  32],
             [126, 172,  31],
             [111, 157,  17],
             [120, 173,  26],
             [120, 172,  26],
             [120, 172,  27]],
            [[124, 175,  28],
             [126, 173,  30],
             [126, 175,  33],
             [119, 173,  25],
             [117, 172,  24],
             [119, 172,  25]],
            [[100, 161,  17],
             [106, 163,  23],
             [108, 163,  19],
             [107, 166,  22],
             [ 98, 158,  13],
             [100, 163,  14]],
            [[ 99, 164,  15],
             [100, 164,  19],
             [ 99, 159,  11],
             [113, 166,  28],
             [110, 163,  25],
             [105, 164,  20]],
            [[106, 167,  20],
             [ 98, 160,  14],
             [ 99, 154,  10],
             [109, 164,  24],
             [110, 163,  28],
             [109, 162,  22]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/12': array([[[[125, 166,  55],
             [123, 166,  55],
             [126, 169,  60],
             [119, 167,  54],
             [118, 166,  55],
             [116, 163,  52]],
            [[123, 167,  55],
             [123, 167,  56],
             [122, 166,  56],
             [117, 165,  52],
             [115, 163,  52],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[122, 166,  54],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [101, 145,  36],
             [115, 163,  50],
             [113, 161,  51],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[116, 159,  49],
             [109, 151,  41],
             [116, 160,  51],
             [107, 150,  41],
             [111, 155,  46],
             [120, 164,  55]],
            [[108, 151,  41],
             [101, 144,  35],
             [112, 156,  47],
             [115, 160,  51],
             [117, 161,  53],
             [126, 171,  61]],
            [[104, 147,  38],
             [103, 145,  37],
             [107, 151,  42],
             [121, 166,  55],
             [117, 161,  52],
             [130, 175,  64]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/2': array([[[[188, 250, 149],
             [192, 249, 149],
             [197, 252, 151],
             [ 51, 114,  19],
             [ 53, 115,  21],
             [ 52, 114,  19]],
            [[191, 251, 151],
             [186, 250, 151],
             [185, 245, 144],
             [ 53, 115,  20],
             [ 53, 115,  22],
             [ 52, 115,  20]],
            [[185, 245, 147],
             [177, 245, 146],
             [138, 203, 104],
             [ 52, 115,  20],
             [ 53, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  22]],
            [[134, 206, 114],
             [135, 205, 113],
             [135, 206, 114],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[134, 205, 113],
             [135, 204, 113],
             [134, 203, 112],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[132, 202, 110],
             [133, 202, 110],
             [132, 202, 109],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/3': array([[[[ 59, 104,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 66, 112,   7],
             [ 68, 120,   8],
             [ 71, 122,  12],
             [ 73, 123,  12]],
            [[ 58, 104,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 65, 112,   6],
             [ 68, 120,  10],
             [ 71, 123,  13],
             [ 72, 124,  12]],
            [[ 59, 105,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   1],
             [ 66, 118,   8],
             [ 68, 119,  10],
             [ 68, 119,   9]],
            [[ 61, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   5],
             [ 62, 112,   1],
             [ 63, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   2]],
            [[ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   0],
             [ 51, 104,   6],
             [ 65, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   1],
             [ 65, 111,   1]],
            [[ 60, 105,   0],
             [ 59, 106,   0],
             [ 53, 106,   7],
             [ 63, 110,   2],
             [ 63, 109,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/4': array([[[[145, 188,  78],
             [145, 189,  80],
             [144, 188,  79],
             [140, 179,  67],
             [143, 182,  72],
             [141, 185,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [143, 187,  79],
             [140, 184,  76],
             [134, 176,  65],
             [140, 184,  71],
             [139, 182,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [147, 190,  82],
             [120, 163,  56],
             [125, 167,  58],
             [125, 169,  57],
             [123, 170,  58]],
            [[137, 175,  64],
             [129, 170,  57],
             [131, 170,  61],
             [136, 178,  68],
             [132, 175,  63],
             [118, 160,  49]],
            [[ 95, 136,  21],
             [140, 182,  70],
             [140, 181,  73],
             [129, 170,  61],
             [128, 170,  59],
             [130, 172,  60]],
            [[ 95, 139,  21],
             [138, 184,  72],
             [142, 184,  77],
             [150, 190,  82],
             [151, 194,  83],
             [140, 181,  71]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/5': array([[[[ 74, 119,  12],
             [ 71, 118,  10],
             [ 65, 113,   7],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 68, 122,   5],
             [ 60, 115,   2]],
            [[ 77, 121,  14],
             [ 78, 121,  13],
             [ 77, 120,  12],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 77, 126,   9],
             [ 54, 107,   0]],
            [[ 65, 113,   6],
             [ 83, 127,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  12],
             [ 60, 118,   5],
             [ 72, 122,   9],
             [ 62, 112,   5]],
            [[141, 206, 112],
             [141, 206, 113],
             [142, 208, 112],
             [149, 211, 115],
             [147, 209, 113],
             [144, 208, 111]],
            [[134, 203, 110],
             [135, 203, 112],
             [136, 205, 112],
             [140, 204, 110],
             [138, 203, 108],
             [135, 203, 108]],
            [[123, 196, 105],
             [124, 196, 107],
             [125, 198, 107],
             [140, 202, 109],
             [138, 203, 109],
             [138, 202, 107]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/6': array([[[[147, 212,  98],
             [174, 236, 126],
             [169, 229, 121],
             [ 57, 121,  17],
             [132, 195,  94],
             [ 95, 155,  58]],
            [[141, 209,  96],
             [153, 217, 109],
             [132, 192,  83],
             [ 96, 159,  59],
             [ 86, 149,  50],
             [137, 199,  95]],
            [[152, 212, 109],
             [180, 239, 137],
             [158, 218, 111],
             [187, 243, 147],
             [189, 245, 146],
             [142, 203,  98]],
            [[ 96, 181,  22],
             [ 93, 181,  11],
             [ 80, 175,   2],
             [174, 225, 113],
             [173, 224, 113],
             [167, 218, 105]],
            [[102, 189,  27],
             [100, 183,  19],
             [ 85, 170,   5],
             [164, 214, 103],
             [172, 222, 112],
             [168, 220, 108]],
            [[104, 181,  26],
             [114, 177,  32],
             [ 75, 159,   0],
             [170, 220, 110],
             [168, 220, 110],
             [165, 217, 106]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/7': array([[[[161, 172,  20],
             [156, 172,  18],
             [157, 170,  21],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [181, 217,  90],
             [179, 217,  87]],
            [[156, 173,  17],
             [154, 170,  21],
             [145, 166,  23],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [182, 219,  89]],
            [[156, 170,  16],
             [158, 170,  21],
             [149, 169,  25],
             [182, 220,  91],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [180, 219,  90]],
            [[157, 169,  22],
             [160, 173,  25],
             [161, 175,  26],
             [173, 199,  56],
             [170, 194,  53],
             [169, 194,  50]],
            [[157, 169,  21],
             [159, 172,  21],
             [160, 173,  23],
             [171, 198,  58],
             [168, 196,  56],
             [169, 197,  55]],
            [[156, 167,  21],
             [157, 170,  22],
             [160, 173,  24],
             [170, 196,  56],
             [169, 197,  56],
             [171, 201,  62]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/8': array([[[[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  19],
             [119, 152,  20],
             [116, 150,  22],
             [118, 150,  23],
             [114, 149,  20]],
            [[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  22],
             [114, 148,  20],
             [119, 152,  25],
             [116, 148,  22],
             [113, 148,  23]],
            [[120, 152,  21],
             [120, 153,  23],
             [ 98, 131,   5],
             [122, 154,  25],
             [117, 149,  23],
             [114, 148,  22]],
            [[122, 155,  23],
             [111, 144,  17],
             [111, 146,  17],
             [126, 158,  33],
             [132, 163,  33],
             [126, 158,  31]],
            [[116, 148,  17],
             [108, 142,  16],
             [113, 147,  19],
             [127, 158,  33],
             [127, 158,  30],
             [128, 159,  31]],
            [[113, 147,  16],
             [108, 143,  14],
             [109, 143,  13],
             [122, 155,  30],
             [125, 156,  29],
             [125, 156,  30]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/9': array([[[[160, 209,  91],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 189,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[159, 209,  90],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [161, 212,  95],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49],
             [144, 189,  50]],
            [[160, 210,  91],
             [158, 209,  91],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[124, 174,  37],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [125, 174,  37],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  19]],
            [[124, 174,  35],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [126, 175,  38],
             [112, 161,  22],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19]],
            [[125, 175,  36],
             [126, 176,  39],
             [128, 178,  41],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [110, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  18]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'iou/0': 0.80969125,
     'iou/1': 0.8898738,
     'iou/2': 0.34608668,
     'mean_iou': 0.6818839,
     'steps_per_second': 105.96190634120993,
     'validation_loss': 0.36764288}
train | step:   1376 | training until step 1720...
train | step:   1720 | steps/sec:    5.9 | output: 
    {'learning_rate': 0.0047586444,
     'mean_iou': 0.70820075,
     'training_loss': 0.32527226}
saved checkpoint to ./trained_model/ckpt-1720.
 eval | step:   1720 | running 344 steps of evaluation...
 eval | step:   1720 | steps/sec:  106.9 | eval time:    3.2 sec | output: 
    {'best_mean_iou': 0.7017154,
     'image/validation_outputs/0': array([[[[120, 173,  62],
             [129, 175,  65],
             [129, 175,  67],
             [136, 185,  80],
             [137, 186,  81],
             [137, 185,  78]],
            [[122, 175,  60],
             [128, 179,  65],
             [127, 179,  64],
             [133, 185,  79],
             [138, 189,  85],
             [143, 189,  85]],
            [[105, 152,  30],
             [108, 155,  33],
             [105, 149,  26],
             [144, 193,  88],
             [143, 196,  89],
             [141, 194,  88]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [104, 164,  58],
             [101, 163,  56],
             [101, 160,  53]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [104, 165,  57],
             [101, 163,  55],
             [ 93, 152,  44]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [100, 164,  55],
             [ 89, 149,  41],
             [ 59, 110,   5]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/1': array([[[[129, 190, 105],
             [130, 190, 106],
             [131, 191, 106],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 227, 137],
             [165, 226, 135]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 138],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 228, 137]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [167, 227, 136]],
            [[ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 81, 123,  23],
             [ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]],
            [[ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 83, 125,  25],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 75, 118,  19]],
            [[ 77, 121,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  19],
             [ 81, 124,  22],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/10': array([[[[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/11': array([[[[126, 176,  29],
             [130, 177,  34],
             [128, 176,  34],
             [123, 174,  27],
             [121, 172,  26],
             [120, 171,  26]],
            [[127, 176,  32],
             [126, 172,  31],
             [111, 157,  17],
             [120, 173,  26],
             [120, 172,  26],
             [120, 172,  27]],
            [[124, 175,  28],
             [126, 173,  30],
             [126, 175,  33],
             [119, 173,  25],
             [117, 172,  24],
             [119, 172,  25]],
            [[100, 161,  17],
             [106, 163,  23],
             [108, 163,  19],
             [107, 166,  22],
             [ 98, 158,  13],
             [100, 163,  14]],
            [[ 99, 164,  15],
             [100, 164,  19],
             [ 99, 159,  11],
             [113, 166,  28],
             [110, 163,  25],
             [105, 164,  20]],
            [[106, 167,  20],
             [ 98, 160,  14],
             [ 99, 154,  10],
             [109, 164,  24],
             [110, 163,  28],
             [109, 162,  22]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/12': array([[[[125, 166,  55],
             [123, 166,  55],
             [126, 169,  60],
             [119, 167,  54],
             [118, 166,  55],
             [116, 163,  52]],
            [[123, 167,  55],
             [123, 167,  56],
             [122, 166,  56],
             [117, 165,  52],
             [115, 163,  52],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[122, 166,  54],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [101, 145,  36],
             [115, 163,  50],
             [113, 161,  51],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[116, 159,  49],
             [109, 151,  41],
             [116, 160,  51],
             [107, 150,  41],
             [111, 155,  46],
             [120, 164,  55]],
            [[108, 151,  41],
             [101, 144,  35],
             [112, 156,  47],
             [115, 160,  51],
             [117, 161,  53],
             [126, 171,  61]],
            [[104, 147,  38],
             [103, 145,  37],
             [107, 151,  42],
             [121, 166,  55],
             [117, 161,  52],
             [130, 175,  64]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/2': array([[[[188, 250, 149],
             [192, 249, 149],
             [197, 252, 151],
             [ 51, 114,  19],
             [ 53, 115,  21],
             [ 52, 114,  19]],
            [[191, 251, 151],
             [186, 250, 151],
             [185, 245, 144],
             [ 53, 115,  20],
             [ 53, 115,  22],
             [ 52, 115,  20]],
            [[185, 245, 147],
             [177, 245, 146],
             [138, 203, 104],
             [ 52, 115,  20],
             [ 53, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  22]],
            [[134, 206, 114],
             [135, 205, 113],
             [135, 206, 114],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[134, 205, 113],
             [135, 204, 113],
             [134, 203, 112],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[132, 202, 110],
             [133, 202, 110],
             [132, 202, 109],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/3': array([[[[ 59, 104,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 66, 112,   7],
             [ 68, 120,   8],
             [ 71, 122,  12],
             [ 73, 123,  12]],
            [[ 58, 104,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 65, 112,   6],
             [ 68, 120,  10],
             [ 71, 123,  13],
             [ 72, 124,  12]],
            [[ 59, 105,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   1],
             [ 66, 118,   8],
             [ 68, 119,  10],
             [ 68, 119,   9]],
            [[ 61, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   5],
             [ 62, 112,   1],
             [ 63, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   2]],
            [[ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   0],
             [ 51, 104,   6],
             [ 65, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   1],
             [ 65, 111,   1]],
            [[ 60, 105,   0],
             [ 59, 106,   0],
             [ 53, 106,   7],
             [ 63, 110,   2],
             [ 63, 109,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/4': array([[[[145, 188,  78],
             [145, 189,  80],
             [144, 188,  79],
             [140, 179,  67],
             [143, 182,  72],
             [141, 185,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [143, 187,  79],
             [140, 184,  76],
             [134, 176,  65],
             [140, 184,  71],
             [139, 182,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [147, 190,  82],
             [120, 163,  56],
             [125, 167,  58],
             [125, 169,  57],
             [123, 170,  58]],
            [[137, 175,  64],
             [129, 170,  57],
             [131, 170,  61],
             [136, 178,  68],
             [132, 175,  63],
             [118, 160,  49]],
            [[ 95, 136,  21],
             [140, 182,  70],
             [140, 181,  73],
             [129, 170,  61],
             [128, 170,  59],
             [130, 172,  60]],
            [[ 95, 139,  21],
             [138, 184,  72],
             [142, 184,  77],
             [150, 190,  82],
             [151, 194,  83],
             [140, 181,  71]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/5': array([[[[ 74, 119,  12],
             [ 71, 118,  10],
             [ 65, 113,   7],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 68, 122,   5],
             [ 60, 115,   2]],
            [[ 77, 121,  14],
             [ 78, 121,  13],
             [ 77, 120,  12],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 77, 126,   9],
             [ 54, 107,   0]],
            [[ 65, 113,   6],
             [ 83, 127,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  12],
             [ 60, 118,   5],
             [ 72, 122,   9],
             [ 62, 112,   5]],
            [[141, 206, 112],
             [141, 206, 113],
             [142, 208, 112],
             [149, 211, 115],
             [147, 209, 113],
             [144, 208, 111]],
            [[134, 203, 110],
             [135, 203, 112],
             [136, 205, 112],
             [140, 204, 110],
             [138, 203, 108],
             [135, 203, 108]],
            [[123, 196, 105],
             [124, 196, 107],
             [125, 198, 107],
             [140, 202, 109],
             [138, 203, 109],
             [138, 202, 107]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/6': array([[[[147, 212,  98],
             [174, 236, 126],
             [169, 229, 121],
             [ 57, 121,  17],
             [132, 195,  94],
             [ 95, 155,  58]],
            [[141, 209,  96],
             [153, 217, 109],
             [132, 192,  83],
             [ 96, 159,  59],
             [ 86, 149,  50],
             [137, 199,  95]],
            [[152, 212, 109],
             [180, 239, 137],
             [158, 218, 111],
             [187, 243, 147],
             [189, 245, 146],
             [142, 203,  98]],
            [[ 96, 181,  22],
             [ 93, 181,  11],
             [ 80, 175,   2],
             [174, 225, 113],
             [173, 224, 113],
             [167, 218, 105]],
            [[102, 189,  27],
             [100, 183,  19],
             [ 85, 170,   5],
             [164, 214, 103],
             [172, 222, 112],
             [168, 220, 108]],
            [[104, 181,  26],
             [114, 177,  32],
             [ 75, 159,   0],
             [170, 220, 110],
             [168, 220, 110],
             [165, 217, 106]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/7': array([[[[161, 172,  20],
             [156, 172,  18],
             [157, 170,  21],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [181, 217,  90],
             [179, 217,  87]],
            [[156, 173,  17],
             [154, 170,  21],
             [145, 166,  23],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [182, 219,  89]],
            [[156, 170,  16],
             [158, 170,  21],
             [149, 169,  25],
             [182, 220,  91],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [180, 219,  90]],
            [[157, 169,  22],
             [160, 173,  25],
             [161, 175,  26],
             [174, 199,  56],
             [171, 194,  53],
             [170, 194,  50]],
            [[157, 169,  21],
             [159, 172,  21],
             [160, 173,  23],
             [173, 198,  58],
             [169, 196,  56],
             [171, 197,  55]],
            [[156, 167,  21],
             [157, 170,  22],
             [160, 173,  24],
             [171, 196,  56],
             [170, 197,  56],
             [173, 201,  62]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/8': array([[[[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  19],
             [119, 152,  20],
             [116, 150,  22],
             [118, 150,  23],
             [114, 149,  20]],
            [[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  22],
             [114, 148,  20],
             [119, 152,  25],
             [116, 148,  22],
             [113, 148,  23]],
            [[120, 152,  21],
             [120, 153,  23],
             [ 98, 131,   5],
             [122, 154,  25],
             [117, 149,  23],
             [114, 148,  22]],
            [[122, 155,  23],
             [111, 144,  17],
             [111, 146,  17],
             [126, 158,  33],
             [132, 163,  33],
             [126, 158,  31]],
            [[116, 148,  17],
             [108, 142,  16],
             [113, 147,  19],
             [127, 158,  33],
             [127, 158,  30],
             [128, 159,  31]],
            [[113, 147,  16],
             [108, 143,  14],
             [109, 143,  13],
             [122, 155,  30],
             [125, 156,  29],
             [125, 156,  30]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/9': array([[[[160, 209,  91],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 189,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[159, 209,  90],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [161, 212,  95],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49],
             [144, 189,  50]],
            [[160, 210,  91],
             [158, 209,  91],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[124, 174,  37],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [125, 174,  37],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  19]],
            [[124, 174,  35],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [126, 175,  38],
             [112, 161,  22],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19]],
            [[125, 175,  36],
             [126, 176,  39],
             [128, 178,  41],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [110, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  18]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'iou/0': 0.81555814,
     'iou/1': 0.90009934,
     'iou/2': 0.38948876,
     'mean_iou': 0.7017154,
     'steps_per_second': 106.8744672167273,
     'validation_loss': 0.3554114}
train | step:   1720 | training until step 2000...
train | step:   2000 | steps/sec:    5.9 | output: {'learning_rate': 0.0, 'mean_iou': 0.7126561, 'training_loss': 0.31940305}
 eval | step:   2000 | running 344 steps of evaluation...
 eval | step:   2000 | steps/sec:  107.9 | eval time:    3.2 sec | output: 
    {'best_mean_iou': 0.7045245,
     'image/validation_outputs/0': array([[[[120, 173,  62],
             [129, 175,  65],
             [129, 175,  67],
             [136, 185,  80],
             [137, 186,  81],
             [137, 185,  78]],
            [[122, 175,  60],
             [128, 179,  65],
             [127, 179,  64],
             [133, 185,  79],
             [138, 189,  85],
             [143, 189,  85]],
            [[105, 152,  30],
             [108, 155,  33],
             [105, 149,  26],
             [144, 193,  88],
             [143, 196,  89],
             [141, 194,  88]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [104, 164,  58],
             [101, 163,  56],
             [101, 160,  53]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [104, 165,  57],
             [101, 163,  55],
             [ 93, 152,  44]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [100, 164,  55],
             [ 89, 149,  41],
             [ 59, 110,   5]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/1': array([[[[129, 190, 105],
             [130, 190, 106],
             [131, 191, 106],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 227, 137],
             [165, 226, 135]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 138],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 228, 137]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [167, 227, 136]],
            [[ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 81, 123,  23],
             [ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]],
            [[ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 83, 125,  25],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 75, 118,  19]],
            [[ 77, 121,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  19],
             [ 81, 124,  22],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/10': array([[[[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/11': array([[[[126, 176,  29],
             [130, 177,  34],
             [128, 176,  34],
             [123, 174,  27],
             [121, 172,  26],
             [120, 171,  26]],
            [[127, 176,  32],
             [126, 172,  31],
             [111, 157,  17],
             [120, 173,  26],
             [120, 172,  26],
             [120, 172,  27]],
            [[124, 175,  28],
             [126, 173,  30],
             [126, 175,  33],
             [119, 173,  25],
             [117, 172,  24],
             [119, 172,  25]],
            [[100, 161,  17],
             [106, 163,  23],
             [108, 163,  19],
             [107, 166,  22],
             [ 98, 158,  13],
             [100, 163,  14]],
            [[ 99, 164,  15],
             [100, 164,  19],
             [ 99, 159,  11],
             [113, 166,  28],
             [110, 163,  25],
             [105, 164,  20]],
            [[106, 167,  20],
             [ 98, 160,  14],
             [ 99, 154,  10],
             [109, 164,  24],
             [110, 163,  28],
             [109, 162,  22]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/12': array([[[[125, 166,  55],
             [123, 166,  55],
             [126, 169,  60],
             [119, 167,  54],
             [118, 166,  55],
             [116, 163,  52]],
            [[123, 167,  55],
             [123, 167,  56],
             [122, 166,  56],
             [117, 165,  52],
             [115, 163,  52],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[122, 166,  54],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [101, 145,  36],
             [115, 163,  50],
             [113, 161,  51],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[116, 159,  49],
             [109, 151,  41],
             [116, 160,  51],
             [108, 150,  41],
             [112, 155,  46],
             [121, 164,  55]],
            [[108, 151,  41],
             [101, 144,  35],
             [112, 156,  47],
             [117, 160,  51],
             [119, 161,  53],
             [128, 171,  61]],
            [[104, 147,  38],
             [103, 145,  37],
             [107, 151,  42],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [119, 161,  52],
             [131, 175,  64]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/2': array([[[[188, 250, 149],
             [192, 249, 149],
             [197, 252, 151],
             [ 52, 114,  19],
             [ 53, 115,  21],
             [ 53, 114,  19]],
            [[191, 251, 151],
             [186, 250, 151],
             [185, 245, 144],
             [ 54, 115,  20],
             [ 54, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  20]],
            [[185, 245, 147],
             [177, 245, 146],
             [138, 203, 104],
             [ 52, 115,  20],
             [ 54, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  22]],
            [[134, 206, 114],
             [135, 205, 113],
             [135, 206, 114],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[134, 205, 113],
             [135, 204, 113],
             [134, 203, 112],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[132, 202, 110],
             [133, 202, 110],
             [132, 202, 109],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/3': array([[[[ 59, 104,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 66, 112,   7],
             [ 68, 120,   8],
             [ 71, 122,  12],
             [ 73, 123,  12]],
            [[ 58, 104,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 65, 112,   6],
             [ 68, 120,  10],
             [ 71, 123,  13],
             [ 72, 124,  12]],
            [[ 59, 105,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   1],
             [ 66, 118,   8],
             [ 68, 119,  10],
             [ 68, 119,   9]],
            [[ 61, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   5],
             [ 62, 112,   1],
             [ 63, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   2]],
            [[ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   0],
             [ 51, 104,   6],
             [ 65, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   1],
             [ 65, 111,   1]],
            [[ 60, 105,   0],
             [ 59, 106,   0],
             [ 53, 106,   7],
             [ 63, 110,   2],
             [ 63, 109,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/4': array([[[[145, 188,  78],
             [145, 189,  80],
             [144, 188,  79],
             [140, 179,  67],
             [143, 182,  72],
             [141, 185,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [143, 187,  79],
             [140, 184,  76],
             [134, 176,  65],
             [140, 184,  71],
             [139, 182,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [147, 190,  82],
             [120, 163,  56],
             [125, 167,  58],
             [125, 169,  57],
             [123, 170,  58]],
            [[137, 175,  64],
             [129, 170,  57],
             [131, 170,  61],
             [136, 178,  68],
             [132, 175,  63],
             [118, 160,  49]],
            [[ 95, 136,  21],
             [140, 182,  70],
             [140, 181,  73],
             [129, 170,  61],
             [128, 170,  59],
             [130, 172,  60]],
            [[ 95, 139,  21],
             [138, 184,  72],
             [142, 184,  77],
             [150, 190,  82],
             [151, 194,  83],
             [140, 181,  71]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/5': array([[[[ 74, 119,  12],
             [ 71, 118,  10],
             [ 65, 113,   7],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 68, 122,   5],
             [ 60, 115,   2]],
            [[ 77, 121,  14],
             [ 78, 121,  13],
             [ 77, 120,  12],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 77, 126,   9],
             [ 54, 107,   0]],
            [[ 65, 113,   6],
             [ 83, 127,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  12],
             [ 60, 118,   5],
             [ 72, 122,   9],
             [ 62, 112,   5]],
            [[141, 206, 112],
             [141, 206, 113],
             [142, 208, 112],
             [149, 211, 115],
             [147, 209, 113],
             [144, 208, 111]],
            [[134, 203, 110],
             [135, 203, 112],
             [136, 205, 112],
             [140, 204, 110],
             [138, 203, 108],
             [135, 203, 108]],
            [[123, 196, 105],
             [124, 196, 107],
             [125, 198, 107],
             [140, 202, 109],
             [138, 203, 109],
             [138, 202, 107]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/6': array([[[[147, 212,  98],
             [174, 236, 126],
             [169, 229, 121],
             [ 57, 121,  17],
             [132, 195,  94],
             [ 95, 155,  58]],
            [[141, 209,  96],
             [153, 217, 109],
             [132, 192,  83],
             [ 96, 159,  59],
             [ 86, 149,  50],
             [137, 199,  95]],
            [[152, 212, 109],
             [180, 239, 137],
             [158, 218, 111],
             [187, 243, 147],
             [189, 245, 146],
             [142, 203,  98]],
            [[ 96, 181,  22],
             [ 93, 181,  11],
             [ 80, 175,   2],
             [174, 225, 113],
             [173, 224, 113],
             [167, 218, 105]],
            [[102, 189,  27],
             [100, 183,  19],
             [ 85, 170,   5],
             [164, 214, 103],
             [172, 222, 112],
             [168, 220, 108]],
            [[104, 181,  26],
             [114, 177,  32],
             [ 75, 159,   0],
             [170, 220, 110],
             [168, 220, 110],
             [165, 217, 106]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/7': array([[[[161, 172,  20],
             [156, 172,  18],
             [157, 170,  21],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [181, 217,  90],
             [179, 217,  87]],
            [[156, 173,  17],
             [154, 170,  21],
             [145, 166,  23],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [182, 219,  89]],
            [[156, 170,  16],
             [158, 170,  21],
             [149, 169,  25],
             [182, 220,  91],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [180, 219,  90]],
            [[157, 169,  22],
             [160, 173,  25],
             [161, 175,  26],
             [174, 199,  56],
             [171, 194,  53],
             [170, 194,  50]],
            [[157, 169,  21],
             [159, 172,  21],
             [160, 173,  23],
             [173, 198,  58],
             [169, 196,  56],
             [171, 197,  55]],
            [[156, 167,  21],
             [157, 170,  22],
             [160, 173,  24],
             [171, 196,  56],
             [170, 197,  56],
             [173, 201,  62]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/8': array([[[[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  19],
             [119, 152,  20],
             [116, 150,  22],
             [118, 150,  23],
             [114, 149,  20]],
            [[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  22],
             [114, 148,  20],
             [119, 152,  25],
             [116, 148,  22],
             [113, 148,  23]],
            [[120, 152,  21],
             [120, 153,  23],
             [ 98, 131,   5],
             [122, 154,  25],
             [117, 149,  23],
             [114, 148,  22]],
            [[122, 155,  23],
             [111, 144,  17],
             [111, 146,  17],
             [126, 158,  33],
             [132, 163,  33],
             [126, 158,  31]],
            [[116, 148,  17],
             [108, 142,  16],
             [113, 147,  19],
             [127, 158,  33],
             [127, 158,  30],
             [128, 159,  31]],
            [[113, 147,  16],
             [108, 143,  14],
             [109, 143,  13],
             [122, 155,  30],
             [125, 156,  29],
             [125, 156,  30]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/9': array([[[[160, 209,  91],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 189,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[159, 209,  90],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [161, 212,  95],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49],
             [144, 189,  50]],
            [[160, 210,  91],
             [158, 209,  91],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[124, 174,  37],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [125, 174,  37],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  19]],
            [[124, 174,  35],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [126, 175,  38],
             [112, 161,  22],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19]],
            [[125, 175,  36],
             [126, 176,  39],
             [128, 178,  41],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [110, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  18]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'iou/0': 0.8178029,
     'iou/1': 0.9019719,
     'iou/2': 0.3937988,
     'mean_iou': 0.7045245,
     'steps_per_second': 107.90473240334056,
     'validation_loss': 0.353675}
saved checkpoint to ./trained_model/ckpt-2000.
 eval | step:   2000 | running 344 steps of evaluation...
 eval | step:   2000 | steps/sec:  155.2 | eval time:    2.2 sec | output: 
    {'best_mean_iou': 0.7045245,
     'image/validation_outputs/0': array([[[[120, 173,  62],
             [129, 175,  65],
             [129, 175,  67],
             [136, 185,  80],
             [137, 186,  81],
             [137, 185,  78]],
            [[122, 175,  60],
             [128, 179,  65],
             [127, 179,  64],
             [133, 185,  79],
             [138, 189,  85],
             [143, 189,  85]],
            [[105, 152,  30],
             [108, 155,  33],
             [105, 149,  26],
             [144, 193,  88],
             [143, 196,  89],
             [141, 194,  88]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [104, 164,  58],
             [101, 163,  56],
             [101, 160,  53]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [104, 165,  57],
             [101, 163,  55],
             [ 93, 152,  44]],
            [[  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [  0, 102, 102],
             [100, 164,  55],
             [ 89, 149,  41],
             [ 59, 110,   5]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/1': array([[[[129, 190, 105],
             [130, 190, 106],
             [131, 191, 106],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 227, 137],
             [165, 226, 135]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 138],
             [169, 228, 137],
             [168, 228, 137]],
            [[131, 191, 107],
             [132, 192, 107],
             [132, 193, 108],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [170, 229, 139],
             [167, 227, 136]],
            [[ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 81, 123,  23],
             [ 81, 124,  23],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]],
            [[ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 80, 122,  22],
             [ 83, 125,  25],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 75, 118,  19]],
            [[ 77, 121,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  19],
             [ 81, 124,  22],
             [ 77, 119,  20],
             [ 77, 118,  20],
             [ 77, 119,  20]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/10': array([[[[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/11': array([[[[126, 176,  29],
             [130, 177,  34],
             [128, 176,  34],
             [123, 174,  27],
             [121, 172,  26],
             [120, 171,  26]],
            [[127, 176,  32],
             [126, 172,  31],
             [111, 157,  17],
             [120, 173,  26],
             [120, 172,  26],
             [120, 172,  27]],
            [[124, 175,  28],
             [126, 173,  30],
             [126, 175,  33],
             [119, 173,  25],
             [117, 172,  24],
             [119, 172,  25]],
            [[100, 161,  17],
             [106, 163,  23],
             [108, 163,  19],
             [107, 166,  22],
             [ 98, 158,  13],
             [100, 163,  14]],
            [[ 99, 164,  15],
             [100, 164,  19],
             [ 99, 159,  11],
             [113, 166,  28],
             [110, 163,  25],
             [105, 164,  20]],
            [[106, 167,  20],
             [ 98, 160,  14],
             [ 99, 154,  10],
             [109, 164,  24],
             [110, 163,  28],
             [109, 162,  22]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/12': array([[[[125, 166,  55],
             [123, 166,  55],
             [126, 169,  60],
             [119, 167,  54],
             [118, 166,  55],
             [116, 163,  52]],
            [[123, 167,  55],
             [123, 167,  56],
             [122, 166,  56],
             [117, 165,  52],
             [115, 163,  52],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[122, 166,  54],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [101, 145,  36],
             [115, 163,  50],
             [113, 161,  51],
             [114, 161,  50]],
            [[116, 159,  49],
             [109, 151,  41],
             [116, 160,  51],
             [108, 150,  41],
             [112, 155,  46],
             [121, 164,  55]],
            [[108, 151,  41],
             [101, 144,  35],
             [112, 156,  47],
             [117, 160,  51],
             [119, 161,  53],
             [128, 171,  61]],
            [[104, 147,  38],
             [103, 145,  37],
             [107, 151,  42],
             [122, 166,  55],
             [119, 161,  52],
             [131, 175,  64]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/2': array([[[[188, 250, 149],
             [192, 249, 149],
             [197, 252, 151],
             [ 52, 114,  19],
             [ 53, 115,  21],
             [ 53, 114,  19]],
            [[191, 251, 151],
             [186, 250, 151],
             [185, 245, 144],
             [ 54, 115,  20],
             [ 54, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  20]],
            [[185, 245, 147],
             [177, 245, 146],
             [138, 203, 104],
             [ 52, 115,  20],
             [ 54, 115,  22],
             [ 53, 115,  22]],
            [[134, 206, 114],
             [135, 205, 113],
             [135, 206, 114],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[134, 205, 113],
             [135, 204, 113],
             [134, 203, 112],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]],
            [[132, 202, 110],
             [133, 202, 110],
             [132, 202, 109],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0],
             [ 51, 102,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/3': array([[[[ 59, 104,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 66, 112,   7],
             [ 68, 120,   8],
             [ 71, 122,  12],
             [ 73, 123,  12]],
            [[ 58, 104,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 65, 112,   6],
             [ 68, 120,  10],
             [ 71, 123,  13],
             [ 72, 124,  12]],
            [[ 59, 105,   1],
             [ 51, 103,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   1],
             [ 66, 118,   8],
             [ 68, 119,  10],
             [ 68, 119,   9]],
            [[ 61, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 51, 103,   5],
             [ 62, 112,   1],
             [ 63, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   2]],
            [[ 60, 106,   0],
             [ 60, 107,   0],
             [ 51, 104,   6],
             [ 65, 112,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   1],
             [ 65, 111,   1]],
            [[ 60, 105,   0],
             [ 59, 106,   0],
             [ 53, 106,   7],
             [ 63, 110,   2],
             [ 63, 109,   2],
             [ 63, 110,   0]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/4': array([[[[145, 188,  78],
             [145, 189,  80],
             [144, 188,  79],
             [140, 179,  67],
             [143, 182,  72],
             [141, 185,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [143, 187,  79],
             [140, 184,  76],
             [134, 176,  65],
             [140, 184,  71],
             [139, 182,  70]],
            [[143, 187,  79],
             [147, 190,  82],
             [120, 163,  56],
             [125, 167,  58],
             [125, 169,  57],
             [123, 170,  58]],
            [[137, 175,  64],
             [129, 170,  57],
             [131, 170,  61],
             [136, 178,  68],
             [132, 175,  63],
             [118, 160,  49]],
            [[ 95, 136,  21],
             [140, 182,  70],
             [140, 181,  73],
             [129, 170,  61],
             [128, 170,  59],
             [130, 172,  60]],
            [[ 95, 139,  21],
             [138, 184,  72],
             [142, 184,  77],
             [150, 190,  82],
             [151, 194,  83],
             [140, 181,  71]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/5': array([[[[ 74, 119,  12],
             [ 71, 118,  10],
             [ 65, 113,   7],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 68, 122,   5],
             [ 60, 115,   2]],
            [[ 77, 121,  14],
             [ 78, 121,  13],
             [ 77, 120,  12],
             [ 63, 118,   4],
             [ 77, 126,   9],
             [ 54, 107,   0]],
            [[ 65, 113,   6],
             [ 83, 127,  19],
             [ 78, 121,  12],
             [ 60, 118,   5],
             [ 72, 122,   9],
             [ 62, 112,   5]],
            [[141, 206, 112],
             [141, 206, 113],
             [142, 208, 112],
             [149, 211, 115],
             [147, 209, 113],
             [144, 208, 111]],
            [[134, 203, 110],
             [135, 203, 112],
             [136, 205, 112],
             [140, 204, 110],
             [138, 203, 108],
             [135, 203, 108]],
            [[123, 196, 105],
             [124, 196, 107],
             [125, 198, 107],
             [140, 202, 109],
             [138, 203, 109],
             [138, 202, 107]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/6': array([[[[147, 212,  98],
             [174, 236, 126],
             [169, 229, 121],
             [ 57, 121,  17],
             [132, 195,  94],
             [ 95, 155,  58]],
            [[141, 209,  96],
             [153, 217, 109],
             [132, 192,  83],
             [ 96, 159,  59],
             [ 86, 149,  50],
             [137, 199,  95]],
            [[152, 212, 109],
             [180, 239, 137],
             [158, 218, 111],
             [187, 243, 147],
             [189, 245, 146],
             [142, 203,  98]],
            [[ 96, 181,  22],
             [ 93, 181,  11],
             [ 80, 175,   2],
             [174, 225, 113],
             [173, 224, 113],
             [167, 218, 105]],
            [[102, 189,  27],
             [100, 183,  19],
             [ 85, 170,   5],
             [164, 214, 103],
             [172, 222, 112],
             [168, 220, 108]],
            [[104, 181,  26],
             [114, 177,  32],
             [ 75, 159,   0],
             [170, 220, 110],
             [168, 220, 110],
             [165, 217, 106]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/7': array([[[[161, 172,  20],
             [156, 172,  18],
             [157, 170,  21],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [181, 217,  90],
             [179, 217,  87]],
            [[156, 173,  17],
             [154, 170,  21],
             [145, 166,  23],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [182, 218,  90],
             [182, 219,  89]],
            [[156, 170,  16],
             [158, 170,  21],
             [149, 169,  25],
             [182, 220,  91],
             [182, 219,  91],
             [180, 219,  90]],
            [[157, 169,  22],
             [160, 173,  25],
             [161, 175,  26],
             [174, 199,  56],
             [171, 194,  53],
             [170, 194,  50]],
            [[157, 169,  21],
             [159, 172,  21],
             [160, 173,  23],
             [173, 198,  58],
             [169, 196,  56],
             [171, 197,  55]],
            [[156, 167,  21],
             [157, 170,  22],
             [160, 173,  24],
             [171, 196,  56],
             [170, 197,  56],
             [173, 201,  62]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/8': array([[[[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  19],
             [119, 152,  20],
             [116, 150,  22],
             [118, 150,  23],
             [114, 149,  20]],
            [[117, 151,  19],
             [119, 152,  22],
             [114, 148,  20],
             [119, 152,  25],
             [116, 148,  22],
             [113, 148,  23]],
            [[120, 152,  21],
             [120, 153,  23],
             [ 98, 131,   5],
             [122, 154,  25],
             [117, 149,  23],
             [114, 148,  22]],
            [[122, 155,  23],
             [111, 144,  17],
             [111, 146,  17],
             [126, 158,  33],
             [132, 163,  33],
             [126, 158,  31]],
            [[116, 148,  17],
             [108, 142,  16],
             [113, 147,  19],
             [127, 158,  33],
             [127, 158,  30],
             [128, 159,  31]],
            [[113, 147,  16],
             [108, 143,  14],
             [109, 143,  13],
             [122, 155,  30],
             [125, 156,  29],
             [125, 156,  30]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'image/validation_outputs/9': array([[[[160, 209,  91],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 189,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[159, 209,  90],
             [159, 209,  92],
             [161, 212,  95],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49],
             [144, 189,  50]],
            [[160, 210,  91],
             [158, 209,  91],
             [160, 212,  94],
             [146, 191,  52],
             [144, 190,  50],
             [143, 188,  49]],
            [[124, 174,  37],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [125, 174,  37],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  19]],
            [[124, 174,  35],
             [124, 174,  37],
             [126, 175,  38],
             [112, 161,  22],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [109, 158,  19]],
            [[125, 175,  36],
             [126, 176,  39],
             [128, 178,  41],
             [111, 159,  20],
             [110, 158,  19],
             [109, 157,  18]]]], dtype=uint8),
     'iou/0': 0.8178029,
     'iou/1': 0.9019719,
     'iou/2': 0.3937988,
     'mean_iou': 0.7045245,
     'steps_per_second': 155.1795389034424,
     'validation_loss': 0.353675}

在 TensorBoard 中加载日志

%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir './trained_model'


train_lib.run_experiment返回的keras.Model对象期望数据由数据集加载器使用preprocess_ops.normalize_image(image, offset=MEAN_RGB, scale=STDDEV_RGB)中相同的均值和方差统计信息进行归一化。此导出函数处理这些细节,因此您可以传递tf.uint8图像并获得正确的结果。

    input_image_size=[HEIGHT, WIDTH],
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <official.vision.modeling.segmentation_model.SegmentationModel object at 0x7f48ebd4e9a0>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <official.vision.modeling.segmentation_model.SegmentationModel object at 0x7f48ebd4e9a0>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48ebfdbf10>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48ebfdbf10>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f445f7bee50>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f445f7bee50>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48d83cce50>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48d83cce50>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48d81a9910>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48d81a9910>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48ebe584c0>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48ebe584c0>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48ebe365b0>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48ebe365b0>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48ebdf2130>, because it is not built.
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping full serialization of Keras layer <keras.src.layers.merging.add.Add object at 0x7f48ebdf2130>, because it is not built.
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./exported_model/assets
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./exported_model/assets

导入 SavedModel

imported = tf.saved_model.load(export_dir)
model_fn = imported.signatures['serving_default']
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352868) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358079) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355190) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357917) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352427) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355172) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353219) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353714) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352535) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353471) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353840) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354407) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357728) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357890) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355667) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356054) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353228) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355973) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357773) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357377) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355127) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357944) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353795) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356963) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355019) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357539) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356576) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355406) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353525) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354875) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353066) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356360) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355712) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354956) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353633) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353237) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352364) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357854) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352931) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356099) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354704) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357242) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353768) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355433) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354119) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356072) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356801) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354110) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355487) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352859) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353345) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356504) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354929) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354659) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354812) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354785) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352706) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356234) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354857) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357701) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354803) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353084) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354686) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358070) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354677) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352805) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352355) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356351) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354767) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353129) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356936) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353318) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356792) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356081) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352382) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355865) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356486) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356630) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353849) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357899) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352481) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356117) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355856) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356027) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354074) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353759) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355757) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354380) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352679) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355991) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355109) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355073) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356009) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353444) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356153) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354479) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352778) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357611) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354848) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356594) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353876) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354083) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357107) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355208) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354209) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354245) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352841) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357476) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356747) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353372) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354578) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355604) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356927) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354299) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356621) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354371) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357404) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356720) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355703) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355163) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356972) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353426) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354695) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357935) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352373) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352886) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353903) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355577) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355037) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353786) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354920) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357512) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353057) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354533) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357737) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356765) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354200) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352670) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356000) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357620) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354911) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354191) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352472) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353075) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353570) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354740) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356882) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354164) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353201) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357602) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356477) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353741) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354308) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354623) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354353) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352877) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357143) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356810) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354137) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353012) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353894) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356837) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355442) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355397) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355118) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352904) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357971) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355658) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355730) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355595) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354461) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355937) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356864) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358097) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357395) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353183) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357125) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353021) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353993) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356657) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354749) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354542) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353615) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352409) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356432) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354344) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356531) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353210) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356990) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354497) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355910) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356873) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352697) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356693) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352913) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352607) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352328) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354029) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353534) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354650) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355541) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355514) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356261) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355001) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355640) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357323) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352823) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352499) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352742) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357746) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352940) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352850) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355370) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355676) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357278) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353417) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356378) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354281) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354551) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355892) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358007) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356855) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356999) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355253) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357584) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352571) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354605) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354587) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355469) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355649) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355235) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353390) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353831) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357863) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357413) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356513) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354425) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352949) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357269) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356135) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355784) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353957) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357800) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357521) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355685) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353597) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357179) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357719) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357098) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355244) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354065) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356522) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355100) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353156) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356225) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354506) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354515) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357035) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356342) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354092) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356459) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357314) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353975) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355280) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352895) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355748) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356414) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356279) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352994) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354011) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353255) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353102) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352454) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354632) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356387) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352661) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352724) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353363) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356423) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352985) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355811) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357566) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356846) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354038) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354416) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356774) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353327) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356315) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355964) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353003) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356369) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352445) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355325) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353048) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352625) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358034) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357062) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354722) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354434) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356045) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357017) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353543) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355847) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357980) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357044) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357152) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356468) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355154) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353498) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353039) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354974) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357161) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353489) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357665) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353912) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355352) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354983) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354560) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352643) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356288) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355550) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354839) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355343) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353813) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357467) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357071) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355082) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357332) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354821) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354389) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353462) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353507) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354362) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353867) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356828) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354776) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355271) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356396) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355586) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357080) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357359) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354326) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354128) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354794) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356549) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356108) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354830) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352580) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353399) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353723) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357053) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353030) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356666) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355523) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356558) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353588) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357026) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353678) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354965) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356891) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352958) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352760) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353984) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354290) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356567) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353669) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353435) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357134) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355199) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356171) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356333) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357683) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352526) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352391) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353930) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357710) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355424) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356675) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353939) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356819) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355226) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357458) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353282) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352436) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353291) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356756) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355379) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357872) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355739) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358025) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355046) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355388) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355289) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355793) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355334) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355064) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353264) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353552) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354893) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356540) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354524) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356162) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353354) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352976) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355829) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355775) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353147) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357386) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354173) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354596) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356450) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352490) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356783) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355091) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352751) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353165) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354488) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357485) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354227) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356243) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353300) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356900) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353822) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352922) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357287) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354668) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357926) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357647) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357674) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356585) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352616) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357755) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352832) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357224) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354263) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357953) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355946) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355766) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355496) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352544) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355838) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352787) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352715) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356090) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357998) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357368) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352688) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357881) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357008) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357548) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357557) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356036) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356207) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352463) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355217) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353732) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357836) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357575) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356270) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354335) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355982) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357629) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357260) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356297) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352634) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357494) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355694) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355919) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353804) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353480) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352589) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352346) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356198) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353705) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355568) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357593) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357791) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357305) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354101) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353579) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357296) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356495) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352967) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356189) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352769) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357764) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353453) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352652) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355532) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357530) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355820) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354731) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356648) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354047) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355559) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357341) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353777) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352733) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355631) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353138) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353309) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353651) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356252) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355901) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355307) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355928) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356126) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354470) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354236) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355613) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353093) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357089) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357116) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355298) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354947) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353606) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353885) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357197) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354902) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354155) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352418) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354020) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352598) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354254) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356603) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357692) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357350) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352517) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355010) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352508) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355802) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357818) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353948) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355262) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357422) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357827) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353192) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356180) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357170) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352814) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358043) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356639) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357782) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356909) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353696) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356063) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354758) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356918) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356702) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356216) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354218) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353687) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353624) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352562) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356981) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352337) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357215) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353120) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357440) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354938) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352796) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354056) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357638) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355955) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355721) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355478) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354452) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357431) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354398) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354569) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354002) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355136) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356306) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358088) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353921) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356144) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353561) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358061) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357251) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353273) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356684) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355028) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355874) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354713) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354146) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352553) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356441) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356945) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354992) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357449) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356711) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357206) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356612) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353111) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356954) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357962) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353642) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356324) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356729) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356405) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353174) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357989) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357845) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357908) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355145) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355451) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353750) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354884) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353858) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354866) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355460) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354443) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357656) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355316) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353660) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354641) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357809) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354317) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357503) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354614) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353966) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355181) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_352400) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353381) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354182) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358016) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355622) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355361) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355505) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353408) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_358052) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357233) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356018) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355055) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353246) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_356738) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_357188) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_354272) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353336) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_353516) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355883) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.
WARNING:absl:Importing a function (__inference_internal_grad_fn_355415) with ops with unsaved custom gradients. Will likely fail if a gradient is requested.


def create_mask(pred_mask):
  pred_mask = tf.math.argmax(pred_mask, axis=-1)
  pred_mask = pred_mask[..., tf.newaxis]
  return pred_mask[0]

for record in test_ds.take(15):
  image = tf.image.resize(record['image'], size=[HEIGHT, WIDTH])
  image = tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.uint8)
  mask = tf.image.resize(record['segmentation_mask'], size=[HEIGHT, WIDTH])
  predicted_mask = model_fn(tf.expand_dims(record['image'], axis=0))
  plot_masks([image, mask, create_mask(predicted_mask['logits'])])














