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预制(或预制)Estimator 传统上在 TensorFlow 1 中被用作快速简便的方式来训练各种典型用例的模型。TensorFlow 2 通过 Keras 模型为其中许多模型提供了直接的近似替代品。对于那些没有内置 TensorFlow 2 替代品的预制 Estimator,您仍然可以相当轻松地构建自己的替代品。
本指南将引导您完成一些直接等效项和自定义替换的示例,以演示如何将 TensorFlow 1 的 tf.estimator
派生模型迁移到 TensorFlow 2 中的 Keras。
- 从 TensorFlow 1 中的
迁移到 TensorFlow 2 中的 Kerastf.compat.v1.keras.models.LinearModel
- 从 TensorFlow 1 中的
迁移到 TensorFlow 2 中的自定义 Keras DNN ModelKeras - 从 TensorFlow 1 中的
迁移到 TensorFlow 2 中的tf.compat.v1.keras.models.WideDeepModel
- 从 TensorFlow 1 中的
迁移到 TensorFlow 2 中的tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel
训练模型之前的常见步骤是特征预处理,这在 TensorFlow 1 Estimator 模型中使用 tf.feature_column
完成。有关 TensorFlow 2 中特征预处理的更多信息,请参阅 本指南,了解如何从特征列迁移到 Keras 预处理层 API。
从一些必要的 TensorFlow 导入开始,
pip install tensorflow_decision_forests
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf1
import tensorflow_decision_forests as tfdf
from tensorflow import keras
x_train = pd.read_csv('https://storage.googleapis.com/tf-datasets/titanic/train.csv')
x_eval = pd.read_csv('https://storage.googleapis.com/tf-datasets/titanic/eval.csv')
x_train['sex'].replace(('male', 'female'), (0, 1), inplace=True)
x_eval['sex'].replace(('male', 'female'), (0, 1), inplace=True)
x_train['alone'].replace(('n', 'y'), (0, 1), inplace=True)
x_eval['alone'].replace(('n', 'y'), (0, 1), inplace=True)
x_train['class'].replace(('First', 'Second', 'Third'), (1, 2, 3), inplace=True)
x_eval['class'].replace(('First', 'Second', 'Third'), (1, 2, 3), inplace=True)
x_train.drop(['embark_town', 'deck'], axis=1, inplace=True)
x_eval.drop(['embark_town', 'deck'], axis=1, inplace=True)
y_train = x_train.pop('survived')
y_eval = x_eval.pop('survived')
# Data setup for TensorFlow 1 with `tf.estimator`
def _input_fn():
return tf1.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((dict(x_train), y_train)).batch(32)
def _eval_input_fn():
return tf1.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((dict(x_eval), y_eval)).batch(32)
'age', 'fare', 'sex', 'n_siblings_spouses', 'parch', 'class', 'alone'
feature_columns = []
for fn in FEATURE_NAMES:
feat_col = tf1.feature_column.numeric_column(fn, dtype=tf.float32)
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_10080/2801132002.py:16: numeric_column (from tensorflow.python.feature_column.feature_column_v2) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use Keras preprocessing layers instead, either directly or via the `tf.keras.utils.FeatureSpace` utility. Each of `tf.feature_column.*` has a functional equivalent in `tf.keras.layers` for feature preprocessing when training a Keras model.
并创建一个方法来实例化一个简单的示例优化器,用于各种 TensorFlow 1 Estimator 和 TensorFlow 2 Keras 模型。
def create_sample_optimizer(tf_version):
if tf_version == 'tf1':
optimizer = lambda: tf.keras.optimizers.legacy.Ftrl(
elif tf_version == 'tf2':
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.legacy.Ftrl(
initial_learning_rate=0.1, decay_steps=10000, decay_rate=0.9))
return optimizer
示例 1:从 LinearEstimator 迁移
TensorFlow 1:使用 LinearEstimator
在 TensorFlow 1 中,您可以使用 tf.estimator.LinearEstimator
linear_estimator = tf.estimator.LinearEstimator(
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_10080/2944250643.py:2: BinaryClassHead.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.head.binary_class_head) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_10080/2944250643.py:1: LinearEstimatorV2.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.canned.linear) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/canned/linear.py:1124: Estimator.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.estimator) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/estimator.py:1844: RunConfig.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.run_config) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Using default config. WARNING:tensorflow:Using temporary folder as model directory: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpcvrw6s1d INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': '/tmpfs/tmp/tmpcvrw6s1d', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': None, '_save_checkpoints_secs': 600, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true graph_options { rewrite_options { meta_optimizer_iterations: ONE } } , '_keep_checkpoint_max': 5, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': 100, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_experimental_max_worker_delay_secs': None, '_session_creation_timeout_secs': 7200, '_checkpoint_save_graph_def': True, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': ClusterSpec({}), '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': '', '_evaluation_master': '', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1}
linear_estimator.train(input_fn=_input_fn, steps=100)
linear_estimator.evaluate(input_fn=_eval_input_fn, steps=10)
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/estimator.py:385: StopAtStepHook.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras/src/optimizers/legacy/ftrl.py:173: calling Constant.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops) with dtype is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Call initializer instance with the dtype argument instead of passing it to the constructor WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/model_fn.py:250: EstimatorSpec.__new__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.model_fn) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/estimator.py:1416: NanTensorHook.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/estimator.py:1419: LoggingTensorHook.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/basic_session_run_hooks.py:232: SecondOrStepTimer.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/estimator.py:1456: CheckpointSaverHook.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Create CheckpointSaverHook. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/monitored_session.py:579: StepCounterHook.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/monitored_session.py:586: SummarySaverHook.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 0 into /tmpfs/tmp/tmpcvrw6s1d/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 0... WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/monitored_session.py:1455: SessionRunArgs.__new__ (from tensorflow.python.training.session_run_hook) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/monitored_session.py:1454: SessionRunContext.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.session_run_hook) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/monitored_session.py:1474: SessionRunValues.__new__ (from tensorflow.python.training.session_run_hook) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.6931472, step = 0 INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 20... INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 20 into /tmpfs/tmp/tmpcvrw6s1d/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 20... INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 0.55268794. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Starting evaluation at 2023-09-16T01:21:55 WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/evaluation.py:260: FinalOpsHook.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmpfs/tmp/tmpcvrw6s1d/model.ckpt-20 INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [2/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [5/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [6/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [7/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [8/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [9/10] INFO:tensorflow:Inference Time : 0.58102s INFO:tensorflow:Finished evaluation at 2023-09-16-01:21:55 INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 20: accuracy = 0.70075756, accuracy_baseline = 0.625, auc = 0.75472915, auc_precision_recall = 0.65362054, average_loss = 0.5759378, global_step = 20, label/mean = 0.375, loss = 0.5704812, precision = 0.6388889, prediction/mean = 0.41331062, recall = 0.46464646 INFO:tensorflow:Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 20: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpcvrw6s1d/model.ckpt-20 {'accuracy': 0.70075756, 'accuracy_baseline': 0.625, 'auc': 0.75472915, 'auc_precision_recall': 0.65362054, 'average_loss': 0.5759378, 'label/mean': 0.375, 'loss': 0.5704812, 'precision': 0.6388889, 'prediction/mean': 0.41331062, 'recall': 0.46464646, 'global_step': 20}
TensorFlow 2:使用 Keras LinearModel
在 TensorFlow 2 中,您可以创建 Keras tf.compat.v1.keras.models.LinearModel
的实例,它是 tf.estimator.LinearEstimator
的替代品。 tf.compat.v1.keras
linear_model = tf.compat.v1.keras.experimental.LinearModel()
linear_model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=create_sample_optimizer('tf2'), metrics=['accuracy'])
linear_model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=10)
linear_model.evaluate(x_eval, y_eval, return_dict=True)
Epoch 1/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 3.6712 - accuracy: 0.6077 Epoch 2/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2146 - accuracy: 0.6715 Epoch 3/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1980 - accuracy: 0.6874 Epoch 4/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1880 - accuracy: 0.7129 Epoch 5/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 9ms/step - loss: 0.1805 - accuracy: 0.7337 Epoch 6/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1807 - accuracy: 0.7624 Epoch 7/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1692 - accuracy: 0.7783 Epoch 8/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1691 - accuracy: 0.7927 Epoch 9/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1717 - accuracy: 0.7911 Epoch 10/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1596 - accuracy: 0.7990 9/9 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1853 - accuracy: 0.7348 {'loss': 0.185323566198349, 'accuracy': 0.7348484992980957}
示例 2:从 DNNEstimator 迁移
TensorFlow 1:使用 DNNEstimator
在 TensorFlow 1 中,您可以使用 tf.estimator.DNNEstimator
创建一个用于回归和分类问题的基线深度神经网络 (DNN) 模型。
dnn_estimator = tf.estimator.DNNEstimator(
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_10080/1828606501.py:1: DNNEstimatorV2.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.canned.dnn) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Using default config. WARNING:tensorflow:Using temporary folder as model directory: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpyih539cq INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': '/tmpfs/tmp/tmpyih539cq', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': None, '_save_checkpoints_secs': 600, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true graph_options { rewrite_options { meta_optimizer_iterations: ONE } } , '_keep_checkpoint_max': 5, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': 100, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_experimental_max_worker_delay_secs': None, '_session_creation_timeout_secs': 7200, '_checkpoint_save_graph_def': True, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': ClusterSpec({}), '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': '', '_evaluation_master': '', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1}
dnn_estimator.train(input_fn=_input_fn, steps=100)
dnn_estimator.evaluate(input_fn=_eval_input_fn, steps=10)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Create CheckpointSaverHook. INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. 2023-09-16 01:21:57.950353: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/type_inference.cc:339] Type inference failed. This indicates an invalid graph that escaped type checking. Error message: INVALID_ARGUMENT: expected compatible input types, but input 1: type_id: TFT_OPTIONAL args { type_id: TFT_PRODUCT args { type_id: TFT_TENSOR args { type_id: TFT_INT64 } } } is neither a subtype nor a supertype of the combined inputs preceding it: type_id: TFT_OPTIONAL args { type_id: TFT_PRODUCT args { type_id: TFT_TENSOR args { type_id: TFT_INT32 } } } for Tuple type infernce function 0 while inferring type of node 'dnn/zero_fraction/cond/output/_18' INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 0 into /tmpfs/tmp/tmpyih539cq/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.9991276, step = 0 INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 20... INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 20 into /tmpfs/tmp/tmpyih539cq/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 20... INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 0.5818331. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Starting evaluation at 2023-09-16T01:21:59 INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmpfs/tmp/tmpyih539cq/model.ckpt-20 INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [2/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [5/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [6/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [7/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [8/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [9/10] INFO:tensorflow:Inference Time : 0.52606s INFO:tensorflow:Finished evaluation at 2023-09-16-01:21:59 INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 20: accuracy = 0.70454544, accuracy_baseline = 0.625, auc = 0.6964494, auc_precision_recall = 0.60180384, average_loss = 0.5988959, global_step = 20, label/mean = 0.375, loss = 0.59320897, precision = 0.6363636, prediction/mean = 0.38547936, recall = 0.4949495 INFO:tensorflow:Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 20: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpyih539cq/model.ckpt-20 {'accuracy': 0.70454544, 'accuracy_baseline': 0.625, 'auc': 0.6964494, 'auc_precision_recall': 0.60180384, 'average_loss': 0.5988959, 'label/mean': 0.375, 'loss': 0.59320897, 'precision': 0.6363636, 'prediction/mean': 0.38547936, 'recall': 0.4949495, 'global_step': 20}
TensorFlow 2:使用 Keras 创建自定义 DNN 模型
在 TensorFlow 2 中,您可以创建一个自定义 DNN 模型来替代由 tf.estimator.DNNEstimator
类似的工作流程可用于将 tf.estimator.experimental.RNNEstimator
替换为 Keras 循环神经网络 (RNN) 模型。Keras 通过 tf.keras.layers.RNN
和 tf.keras.layers.GRU
提供了许多内置的可定制选择。要了解更多信息,请查看 RNN with Keras guide 中的“内置 RNN 层:一个简单示例”部分。
dnn_model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(
[tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
dnn_model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=create_sample_optimizer('tf2'), metrics=['accuracy'])
dnn_model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=10)
dnn_model.evaluate(x_eval, y_eval, return_dict=True)
Epoch 1/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 581.7921 - accuracy: 0.4338 Epoch 2/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 1.2502 - accuracy: 0.4450 Epoch 3/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.7286 - accuracy: 0.5183 Epoch 4/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.5274 - accuracy: 0.5486 Epoch 5/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.4200 - accuracy: 0.5550 Epoch 6/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.3405 - accuracy: 0.5821 Epoch 7/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2975 - accuracy: 0.6124 Epoch 8/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2628 - accuracy: 0.6507 Epoch 9/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2382 - accuracy: 0.7002 Epoch 10/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2218 - accuracy: 0.7273 9/9 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2414 - accuracy: 0.6894 {'loss': 0.2413530945777893, 'accuracy': 0.689393937587738}
示例 3:从 DNNLinearCombinedEstimator 迁移
TensorFlow 1:使用 DNNLinearCombinedEstimator
在 TensorFlow 1 中,您可以使用 tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedEstimator
创建一个用于回归和分类问题的基线组合模型,并为其线性组件和 DNN 组件提供自定义能力。
optimizer = create_sample_optimizer('tf1')
combined_estimator = tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedEstimator(
# Wide settings
# Deep settings
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_10080/1505653152.py:3: DNNLinearCombinedEstimatorV2.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.canned.dnn_linear_combined) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Using default config. WARNING:tensorflow:Using temporary folder as model directory: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpun15otq5 INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': '/tmpfs/tmp/tmpun15otq5', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': None, '_save_checkpoints_secs': 600, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true graph_options { rewrite_options { meta_optimizer_iterations: ONE } } , '_keep_checkpoint_max': 5, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': 100, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_experimental_max_worker_delay_secs': None, '_session_creation_timeout_secs': 7200, '_checkpoint_save_graph_def': True, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': ClusterSpec({}), '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': '', '_evaluation_master': '', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1}
combined_estimator.train(input_fn=_input_fn, steps=100)
combined_estimator.evaluate(input_fn=_eval_input_fn, steps=10)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Create CheckpointSaverHook. INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 0 into /tmpfs/tmp/tmpun15otq5/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:loss = 4.244113, step = 0 INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 20... INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 20 into /tmpfs/tmp/tmpun15otq5/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 20... INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 0.5406369. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Starting evaluation at 2023-09-16T01:22:04 INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmpfs/tmp/tmpun15otq5/model.ckpt-20 INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [2/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [5/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [6/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [7/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [8/10] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [9/10] INFO:tensorflow:Inference Time : 0.58801s INFO:tensorflow:Finished evaluation at 2023-09-16-01:22:04 INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 20: accuracy = 0.71590906, accuracy_baseline = 0.625, auc = 0.7440466, auc_precision_recall = 0.6447197, average_loss = 0.5923795, global_step = 20, label/mean = 0.375, loss = 0.5745624, precision = 0.65384614, prediction/mean = 0.3921669, recall = 0.5151515 INFO:tensorflow:Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 20: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpun15otq5/model.ckpt-20 {'accuracy': 0.71590906, 'accuracy_baseline': 0.625, 'auc': 0.7440466, 'auc_precision_recall': 0.6447197, 'average_loss': 0.5923795, 'label/mean': 0.375, 'loss': 0.5745624, 'precision': 0.65384614, 'prediction/mean': 0.3921669, 'recall': 0.5151515, 'global_step': 20}
TensorFlow 2:使用 Keras WideDeepModel
在 TensorFlow 2 中,您可以创建一个 Keras tf.compat.v1.keras.models.WideDeepModel
实例来替代由 tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedEstimator
此 WideDeepModel
是基于一个组成 LinearModel
和一个自定义 DNN 模型构建的,这两个模型在前面的两个示例中都有讨论。如果需要,也可以使用自定义线性模型来代替内置的 Keras LinearModel
如果您想构建自己的模型而不是使用预定义的估计器,请查看 Keras Sequential model 指南。有关自定义训练和优化器的更多信息,请查看 Custom training: walkthrough 指南。
# Create LinearModel and DNN Model as in Examples 1 and 2
optimizer = create_sample_optimizer('tf2')
linear_model = tf.compat.v1.keras.experimental.LinearModel()
linear_model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])
linear_model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=10, verbose=0)
dnn_model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(
[tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
dnn_model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])
combined_model = tf.compat.v1.keras.experimental.WideDeepModel(linear_model,
optimizer=[optimizer, optimizer], loss='mse', metrics=['accuracy'])
combined_model.fit([x_train, x_train], y_train, epochs=10)
combined_model.evaluate(x_eval, y_eval, return_dict=True)
Epoch 1/10 20/20 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 682.2249 - accuracy: 0.6858 Epoch 2/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2909 - accuracy: 0.7193 Epoch 3/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2140 - accuracy: 0.7400 Epoch 4/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2084 - accuracy: 0.7671 Epoch 5/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1809 - accuracy: 0.7719 Epoch 6/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1699 - accuracy: 0.7911 Epoch 7/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1745 - accuracy: 0.7687 Epoch 8/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1665 - accuracy: 0.7974 Epoch 9/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1693 - accuracy: 0.7911 Epoch 10/10 20/20 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1748 - accuracy: 0.7847 9/9 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2050 - accuracy: 0.7159 {'loss': 0.2049505114555359, 'accuracy': 0.7159090638160706}
示例 4:从 BoostedTreesEstimator 迁移
TensorFlow 1:使用 BoostedTreesEstimator
在 TensorFlow 1 中,您可以使用 tf.estimator.BoostedTreesEstimator
创建一个基线模型,使用决策树集成来创建用于回归和分类问题的基线梯度提升模型。此功能不再包含在 TensorFlow 2 中。
bt_estimator = tf1.estimator.BoostedTreesEstimator(
bt_estimator.train(input_fn=_input_fn, steps=1000)
bt_estimator.evaluate(input_fn=_eval_input_fn, steps=100)
TensorFlow 2:使用 TensorFlow Decision Forests
在 TensorFlow 2 中,tf.estimator.BoostedTreesEstimator
被 tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(来自 TensorFlow Decision Forests 包)替换。
TensorFlow Decision Forests 在 tf.estimator.BoostedTreesEstimator
上提供了各种优势,尤其是在质量、速度、易用性和灵活性方面。要了解 TensorFlow Decision Forests,请从 beginner colab 开始。
以下示例展示了如何使用 TensorFlow 2 训练梯度提升树模型
安装 TensorFlow Decision Forests。
pip install tensorflow_decision_forests
创建一个 TensorFlow 数据集。请注意,Decision Forests 本身支持多种类型的特征,不需要预处理。
train_dataframe = pd.read_csv('https://storage.googleapis.com/tf-datasets/titanic/train.csv')
eval_dataframe = pd.read_csv('https://storage.googleapis.com/tf-datasets/titanic/eval.csv')
# Convert the Pandas Dataframes into TensorFlow datasets.
train_dataset = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(train_dataframe, label="survived")
eval_dataset = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(eval_dataframe, label="survived")
在 train_dataset
# Use the default hyper-parameters of the model.
gbt_model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel()
Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmpinxrd9bl as temporary training directory Reading training dataset... [WARNING 23-09-16 01:22:09.3074 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1818] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 23-09-16 01:22:09.3074 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1829] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 23-09-16 01:22:09.3074 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1843] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". Training dataset read in 0:00:03.607059. Found 627 examples. Training model... Model trained in 0:00:00.226305 Compiling model... [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:13.1488 UTC kernel.cc:1243] Loading model from path /tmpfs/tmp/tmpinxrd9bl/model/ with prefix b67347ee49794d62 [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:13.1525 UTC abstract_model.cc:1311] Engine "GradientBoostedTreesQuickScorerExtended" built [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:13.1525 UTC kernel.cc:1075] Use fast generic engine WARNING:tensorflow:AutoGraph could not transform <function simple_ml_inference_op_with_handle at 0x7f7376b33700> and will run it as-is. Please report this to the TensorFlow team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: could not get source code To silence this warning, decorate the function with @tf.autograph.experimental.do_not_convert WARNING:tensorflow:AutoGraph could not transform <function simple_ml_inference_op_with_handle at 0x7f7376b33700> and will run it as-is. Please report this to the TensorFlow team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: could not get source code To silence this warning, decorate the function with @tf.autograph.experimental.do_not_convert WARNING: AutoGraph could not transform <function simple_ml_inference_op_with_handle at 0x7f7376b33700> and will run it as-is. Please report this to the TensorFlow team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: could not get source code To silence this warning, decorate the function with @tf.autograph.experimental.do_not_convert Model compiled. <keras.src.callbacks.History at 0x7f72a4271430>
在 eval_dataset
gbt_evaluation = gbt_model.evaluate(eval_dataset, return_dict=True)
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 296ms/step - loss: 0.0000e+00 - accuracy: 0.8295 {'loss': 0.0, 'accuracy': 0.8295454382896423}
梯度提升树只是 TensorFlow Decision Forests 中提供的众多决策森林算法之一。例如,随机森林(作为 tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel 提供,对过拟合具有很强的抵抗力),而 CART(作为 tfdf.keras.CartModel 提供,非常适合模型解释)。
# Train a Random Forest model
rf_model = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel()
# Evaluate the Random Forest model
rf_evaluation = rf_model.evaluate(eval_dataset, return_dict=True)
Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmpdvqhwuwo as temporary training directory Reading training dataset... Training dataset read in 0:00:00.187950. Found 627 examples. Training model... Model trained in 0:00:00.191396 Compiling model... [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:15.4265 UTC kernel.cc:1243] Loading model from path /tmpfs/tmp/tmpdvqhwuwo/model/ with prefix 39c681f57c12496f [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:15.5264 UTC decision_forest.cc:660] Model loaded with 300 root(s), 34556 node(s), and 9 input feature(s). [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:15.5265 UTC kernel.cc:1075] Use fast generic engine Model compiled. 1/1 [==============================] - 0s 141ms/step - loss: 0.0000e+00 - accuracy: 0.8333 {'loss': 0.0, 'accuracy': 0.8333333134651184}
在最后一个示例中,训练并评估一个 CART 模型。
# Train a CART model
cart_model = tfdf.keras.CartModel()
# Plot the CART model
tfdf.model_plotter.plot_model_in_colab(cart_model, max_depth=2)
Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmpmgmlcvs6 as temporary training directory Reading training dataset... Training dataset read in 0:00:00.187860. Found 627 examples. Training model... Model trained in 0:00:00.018191 Compiling model... Model compiled. [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:16.0918 UTC kernel.cc:1243] Loading model from path /tmpfs/tmp/tmpmgmlcvs6/model/ with prefix efef116800e041d8 [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:16.0921 UTC decision_forest.cc:660] Model loaded with 1 root(s), 21 node(s), and 5 input feature(s). [INFO 23-09-16 01:22:16.0922 UTC kernel.cc:1075] Use fast generic engine