版权所有 2023 The TF-Agents Authors.
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pip install tf-agents[reverb]
pip install tf-keras
import os
# Keep using keras-2 (tf-keras) rather than keras-3 (keras).
os.environ['TF_USE_LEGACY_KERAS'] = '1'
2023-12-22 12:12:26.469831: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:9261] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered 2023-12-22 12:12:26.469877: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_fft.cc:607] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered 2023-12-22 12:12:26.471318: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:1515] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
在本教程中,我们将引导您了解作为 TF-Agents Bandits 库一部分实现的排序算法。在排序问题中,代理在每次迭代中都会收到一组项目,并负责将其中一些或全部项目排序到列表中。然后,此排序决策会收到某种形式的反馈(例如,用户可能点击或不点击一个或多个选定项目)。代理的目标是优化某些指标/奖励,以随着时间的推移做出更好的决策。
TF-Agents 中的排序算法属于一种特殊类型的 bandit 代理,它们在“每臂”bandit 问题上运行。因此,为了能够从本教程中获得最大的收益,读者应该熟悉 bandit 和 每臂 bandit 教程。
与 bandit 问题不同,bandit 问题中的反馈信号(奖励)直接与单个选定商品相关联,而在排序中,我们需要考虑反馈如何转化为显示商品的“好坏”。换句话说,我们需要为所有或部分显示商品分配分数。在我们的库中,我们提供了两种不同的反馈类型:向量反馈和级联反馈。
在级联反馈类型中(该术语由 Craswell 等人,2008 年 提出),我们假设用户以顺序方式查看显示的商品,从最上面的插槽开始。一旦用户找到值得点击的商品,他们就会点击并不再返回当前排序列表。他们甚至不会查看点击商品以下的商品。不点击任何商品也是一种可能性,这种情况发生在没有一个显示商品值得点击时。在这种情况下,用户会查看所有商品。
反馈信号由两个元素组成:选定元素的索引和点击的值。然后,代理的任务是将此信息转换为分数。在我们对 bandit 库的实现中,我们实现了以下约定:查看但未点击的商品会收到一些较低的分数(通常为 0 或 -1),点击的商品会收到点击值,而点击商品之后的商品会被代理忽略。
与其他有限信息学习问题(如 bandit)一样,我们还需要牢记,我们的决策不仅会影响即时奖励,还会影响训练数据和未来奖励。如果我们始终只根据商品当前的估计得分来显示商品,我们可能会错过一些我们尚未充分探索的得分很高的商品,因此我们不知道它们有多好。也就是说,我们需要将探索纳入我们的决策过程。
feedback_model = ranking_environment.FeedbackModel.CASCADING
- 在基于距离的方法中,如果用户特征与任何商品特征都不够接近,用户就不会点击。
- 在幽灵动作模型中,我们以单位向量商品特征的形式设置额外的虚拟动作。如果用户选择其中一个幽灵动作,则会导致不点击。
我们几乎准备好定义排名环境,只需要做一些准备工作:我们定义全局(用户)和项目特征的采样函数。这些特征将被环境用来模拟用户行为:计算全局特征和项目特征的加权内积,用户点击的概率与内积值成正比。内积的加权由下面定义的 scores_weight_matrix
global_dim = 9
item_dim = 11
num_items = 50
num_slots = 3
distance_threshold = 5.0
batch_size = 128
def global_sampling_fn():
return np.random.randint(-1, 1, [global_dim]).astype(np.float32)
def item_sampling_fn():
return np.random.randint(-2, 3, [item_dim]).astype(np.float32)
# Inner product with excess dimensions ignored.
scores_weight_matrix = np.eye(11, 9, dtype=np.float32)
env = ranking_environment.RankingPyEnvironment(
# Convert the python environment to tf environment.
environment = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(env)
在决策时呈现给策略的臂特征包含策略可以从中选择的全部项目。但是,在训练时,我们需要选择项目的特征,为了方便起见,按照决策输出的顺序排列。为此,使用以下函数(为了清晰起见,从 这里 复制)。
def order_items_from_action_fn(orig_trajectory):
"""Puts the features of the selected items in the recommendation order.
This function is used to make sure that at training the item observation is
filled with features of items selected by the policy, in the order of the
selection. Features of unselected items are discarded.
orig_trajectory: The trajectory as output by the policy
The modified trajectory that contains slotted item features.
item_obs = orig_trajectory.observation[
action = orig_trajectory.action
if isinstance(
dtype = orig_trajectory.observation[
shape = [
num_slots, orig_trajectory.observation[
new_observation = {
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(dtype=dtype, shape=shape)
slotted_items = tf.gather(item_obs, action, batch_dims=1)
new_observation = {
return trajectory.Trajectory(
replay_buffer = bandit_replay_buffer.BanditReplayBuffer(
if feedback_model == ranking_environment.FeedbackModel.SCORE_VECTOR:
reward_metric = tf_metrics.AverageReturnMetric(
reward_metric = tf_metrics.AverageReturnMultiMetric(
add_batch_fn = lambda data: replay_buffer.add_batch(
observers = [add_batch_fn, reward_metric]
driver = dynamic_step_driver.DynamicStepDriver(
num_steps=steps_per_loop * batch_size,
reward_values = []
for _ in range(num_iterations):
loss_info = agent.train(replay_buffer.gather_all())
if feedback_model == ranking_environment.FeedbackModel.SCORE_VECTOR:
WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_9144/2279345075.py:31: ReplayBuffer.gather_all (from tf_agents.replay_buffers.replay_buffer) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use `as_dataset(..., single_deterministic_pass=True)` instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_9144/2279345075.py:31: ReplayBuffer.gather_all (from tf_agents.replay_buffers.replay_buffer) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use `as_dataset(..., single_deterministic_pass=True)` instead. WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ```
if feedback_model == ranking_environment.FeedbackModel.SCORE_VECTOR:
reward = reward_values
reward = [r["chosen_value"] for r in reward_values]
plt.ylabel('Average Return')
plt.xlabel('Number of Iterations')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Number of Iterations')
在 tf_agents/bandits/agents/examples/v2/train_eval_ranking.py